Screenshots of different spatialized queries and different uses of the ArkeoGIS platform. Click on the images in the thematic galleries to display the results and view the full captions.

Exploratory work on a cross-border area. The request concerns all Iron Age sites (including the undetermined ones). Following this initial enquiry, sufficient data are available to understand the context of the protohistoric Battert fortification in Baden-Baden. Author L. Bernard Pour: This work was done to gain a better understanding of the context at the time of the Battert fortification in Baden-Baden.

On the same area, all sites exactly contemporary to the creation of the site (Final Bronze), in order to better grasp the context at the time of the fortification of the Battert in Baden-Baden. Author: L.Bernard
use spatialized data for analysis and mapping

Result of a selection on the Upper Rhine at a specific period (Hallstatt and La Tène A).
Author: L.Scholtus

Using the query results as a CSV file in a spreadsheet.
Result of a selection on the Upper Rhine at a specific period (Hallstatt and La Tène A) with a filter on funerary monuments.
Author: L.Scholtus
Publish the complete catalogue of an article

Complete article catalogue Tremblay Cormier L., French Elite Burials of the Early Iron Age. In: Schumann R., Van der Vaart-Verschoof S. (dir.), Conference proceedings of the International Workshop (Leyde 2015) Connected Elites and Regions in the Early Hallstatt Period, Leyde, Sidestone Press”

Exhaustive catalogue of the part concerning habitats in the article “Protohistoric Provence, historiographic chimera or archaeological reality?”. Loup Bernard, Delphine Isoardi, Axel Cauvin, Luca Banchetti. in Gilles Pierrevelcin; Jan Kysela; Stephan Fichlt. Unity and diversity of the Celtic world. Proceedings of the 42nd International Colloquium of the French Association for the Study of the Iron Age (Prague, 10-13 May 2018), Collection AFEAF (2), AFEAF, 2020. ⟨halshs-01957547⟩

Cross-reference of the previous request and the exhaustive catalogue of the part concerning the tombs in the article “Protohistoric Provence, historiographic chimera or archaeological reality?”. Loup Bernard, Delphine Isoardi, Axel Cauvin, Luca Banchetti. in Gilles Pierrevelcin; Jan Kysela; Stephan Fichlt. Unity and diversity of the Celtic world. Proceedings of the 42nd International Colloquium of the French Association for the Study of the Iron Age (Prague, 10-13 May 2018), Collection AFEAF (2), AFEAF, 2020. ⟨halshs-01957547⟩

Display of thematic map information here the layer “Fr shp peoples Gaul LTD” as a support
editing in the interface of a specific search area.
Authors of the layer: L. Scholtus, A. Vantillard from Fichtl 2012, for “Spatialization of discoveries, modelling of the past. L’informatique au service de l’archéologie”, Archimedes. Archaeology and Ancient History [Online] 7, 2020, p. 241-253. On line since 9/06/2020.

Results in a geographical selection on eastern Gaul (cf FR shp peuples Gaule LTD) at a specific period (The Roman period),
in the selected databases.
Author: L.SCHOLTUS, “Spatialization of discoveries, modeling the past. L’informatique au service de l’archéologie”, Archimedes. Archéologie et histoire ancienne [Online] 7, 2020, p. 241-253. On line since 9/06/2020.

Visible in the results menu, in brackets following the name of the database the number of results in the database in a geographical selection on eastern Gaul at a specific period (La Tène C and D).
Author: L.SCHOLTUS, “Spatialization of discoveries, modeling the past. L’informatique au service de l’archéologie”, Archimedes. Archéologie et histoire ancienne [Online] 7, 2020, p. 241-253. On line since 9/06/2020.