ArkeoGIS es una aplicación web multiservicios para las humanidades y las ciencias sociales.

La versión 1 fue iniciada en 2006 por el MISHA y la Universidad de Estrasburgo como una web-sig dedicada a la enseñanza e investigación en Arqueología. ArkeoGIS se unió al consorcio MASA y sigue siendo implementado por MISHA y la Universidad de Estrasburgo en colaboración con colaboradores externos en la infraestructura Huma-num.

Desde que entró en producción, los sucesivos desarrollos han permitido responder a los cambios en

  • el tesauro (adición de Historia, Medio Ambiente, Arqueometría)
  • datos y metadatos manipulables
  • solicitudes realizadas por los usuarios
  • normas internacionales
  • y el software utilizado

Desde agosto de 2021, ArkeoGIS está registrado en Re3data. Un registro mundial de repositorios de datos de investigación que abarca repositorios de datos de investigación de diferentes disciplinas académicas.

El registro se puso en marcha en otoño de 2012 y fue financiado por la Fundación Alemana de Investigación (DFG). El uso de re3data se recomienda en las «Directrices sobre acceso abierto a publicaciones científicas y datos de investigación en Horizonte 2020» de la Comisión Europea.


ArkeOpen es una interfaz de acceso abierto que permite consultar, interrogar y cruzar los OpenData de la plataforma de investigación y enseñanza ArkeoGIS, de acuerdo con los principios F.A.I.R. para la difusión de datos patrimoniales.

La versión 0.1 se puso en línea en 2023. Desde su puesta en marcha, se han realizado sucesivas actualizaciones en respuesta a los cambios en los siguientes ámbitos

  • datos y metadatos manipulables
  • peticiones de los usuarios
  • normas internacionales
  • y el software utilizado

Desde marzo de 2024, ArkeOpen figura en la lista de repositorios temáticos de confianza propuestos por el Colegio de Datos de Investigación del Comité de Ciencia Abierta y accesibles en el sitio web del Ministerio francés de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación.

Compartir los datos procedentes de las actividades de investigación significa ponerlos a disposición en almacenes reconocidos por las comunidades científicas, temáticas, institucionales o generalistas.


Desde las versiones ArkeoGIS 4.7 y ArkeOpen 0.1, se puede acceder a las solicitudes de cambio detalladas (changelog) para el código de la aplicación y las funcionalidades, paso a paso, en la página Gitlab público Huma-num.

Estos cambios se presentan en el cuadro siguiente, bajo el tema F.A.I.R. de los datos compartidos. Al que hemos añadido una E por las orientaciones y elecciones (de usos o herramientas) realizadas, avanzando en la dirección del desarrollo sostenible y limitando los recursos aportados al funcionamiento y uso de las plataformas.

  • (F): Findable (Data accessibility)
  • (A): Accessible (Accessibility of tools, Cartographic tools, Maintenance)
  • (I): Interoperable (Data administration (characterisation, mapping, chronology), Dataset administration, Thesaurus, Data use)
  • (R): Reusable (Dissemination of data (cartography, chronology, illustration), Dissemination of datasets)
  • (E): Ecological (Data loading and processing times. Sustainable cartography, Sustainable illustration)

Scheduled for
ArkeOpen Detailed list of changes planned for version 1.1
Funding: Grand Est Region - State-Regions Plan Contract (CPER)
Certain functionalities implemented for ArkeoGIS 5.0 will be integrated into the open platform.
Scheduled for
ArkeoGIS Detailed list of changes planned for version 5.0
Funding: Grand Est Region - State-Regions Plan Contract (CPER)
After 9 years of service and in the interests of economies of scale, a technical migration will be carried out to the more up-to-date software solution used for ArkeOpen 1.0. The specific features of the research platform will be added to this core software.
2024/10/15ArkeOpen Changelogs version 1.0
Funding: Grand Est Region - State-Regions Plan Contract (CPER)
Following the first year of use, software updates will be carried out, unpleasant behaviour will be corrected and new information and functions will be added in order to obtain a stable version 1.0.

  • (F) Data accessibility: Improved readability on Macs and the addition of full-screen display.
  • (A) Tool accessibility: A mobile version to complement the desktop version, improved readability on Macs and the addition of full-screen display.
  • (A) Mapping tools: Addition and presentation of the new types of icons used, improvement of the user experience through the addition of new cartographic tools and better integration of existing tools.
  • (A) Maintenance: Standardisation and corrections to the style sheets and tools used both to build a search and to display information pages. Correction of unpleasant behaviour reported in the previous version. Reducing dependency on external software libraries. And updating the mapping tools as well as the user and administrator manuals.
  • (I) Data use: Addition of new search filters, improved legibility of information on the map and improved legibility of information on the map.
  • (R) Dissemination of data: Updating of the Terms and Conditions of Use and addition of a means of contacting the resource mediator,
  • (R) Data dissemination Illustrations: Improved integration and presentation of IIIF illustrations in the Mirador plug-in.
  • (E) Ecological: Improved loading time on the first visit and data processing by the user's terminal.
2024/04/12ArkeOpen Changelogs version 0.2
Funding: University of Strasbourg - ArkeoGIS-Cortecs and University of Lausanne

  • (F) Data accessibility: Addition of the geographical location of the site on a map at the top of the resource presentation sheet.
  • (A) Mapping tools: Addition of the compass and the ability to orientate the map.
  • (A) Maintenance: Minor corrections, including some typographical corrections, and updates to the software used. ArkeoGIS and ArkeOpen user manuals updated accordingly.
  • (R) Data distribution Illustrations: Addition and special configuration for the needs of the project of the Mirador 3 viewer, enabling illustrations made available by various archive services, digital libraries or other projects to enhance heritage documents in different countries to be associated with an ArkeoGIS resource and displayed in an ordered manner using ArkeOpen according to their IIIF manifest.
    Development of a dedicated script to ensure the continuity in ArkeOpen of the display of illustrations from Nakala open collections, without a manifest in an IIIF environment.
  • (E) Sustainable illustration: The use and adaptation of the IIIF protocol avoids the creation of silos of identical images, and allows exchanges on the networks to be limited to the user's precise request.
2023/12/13 ArkeOpen Changelogs version 0.1.2
Funding: Université de Strasbourg - ArkeoGIS-Cortecs

  • (F) Data accessibility: Improved display of presentation metadata for shared resources. Addition of a tab for citing the authors of the data displayed.
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Addition of a loading information wheel when opening a link to ArkeOpen. ArkeoGIS and ArkeOpen user manuals updated accordingly.
  • (A) Mapping tools: Addition of metric and imperial scales on the map.
  • (A) Maintenance: Minor corrections (illustration date from Nakala, missing information in the English version).
  • (R) Data dissemination: Improved presentation of links between shared open data.
  • (R) Distribution of cartographic data: addition at the bottom of the map of credits for shared layers visible on the screen.
  • (R) Data dissemination Illustrations: Improved navigation in the AKO-images-Nakala reader.

2023/03/31ArkeoGIS Changelogs version 0.1.1
Funding: Université de Strasbourg - ArkeoGIS-Cortecs

  • (A) Maintenance: Minor corrections to the style sheets used to display pages.
  • (R) Data dissemination: Improved links between shared open resources.
2023/02/14ArkeoGIS Implementation of version 0.1
Funding: French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
With the aim of ‘making research results, most of which come from public funds, as accessible as possible and as closed as necessary’. Defining, designing, developing and putting online the functional model of the F.A.I.R Opendata platform for the ArkeoGIS ArkeOpen project.
2022/12/23 ArkeoGIS Changelogs version 4.7
Funding: French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

  • (F) Data accessibility: Creation of the open collections ArkeOpen Chronologies, ArkeOpen Cartographies, ArkeOpen Thesaurus.
    The Markdown language can be used by authors to enrich the descriptions, bibliographies and comments of open resources.
  • (A) Maintenance: the following maintenance work was carried out on this occasion
    - Registration: a dataset cannot be renamed if the name is exactly 75 characters long.
    - Base map: the address of the satellite base layer was changed from AWMC (the supplier no longer providing the service) to ESRI, the supplier providing the service.
    - Modification of certain titles in the different languages of the application's interfaces, for example the initiator becomes the coordinator of the implementation of the ArkeoGIS standard.
  • (I) Administration of cartographic data: The presentation information (metadata) for cartographic resources has been enhanced (Name: 100 characters maximum Geographic coverage, Editor name Editor address, layer is open: yes/no, a URI type field for entering the layer deposit address (DOI on Nakala/ArkeOpen)).
  • (I) Administration of chronology data: Improved alignment of the indexing of ArkeoGIS chronologies and periods with PACTOLS and PeriodO. The periods in these chronologies are now open, documented and interoperable.
  • (I) Thesauri: Improved export of thesauri indexing from the ArkeoGIS platform to the website user manual.
  • (R) Dissemination of chronology data: The presentation information (metadata) for chronologies has been enhanced (Geographic coverage, Publisher name, Publisher address, chronology is open: yes/no, a URI type field for entering the chronology deposit address (DOI on Nakala/ArkeOpen)). This data can now be edited off-line, using export and import files in CSV format. The column headings and record format have also been changed to bring them into line with those used for the characteristics, and to make them easier for people to read.
  • (R) Dataset distribution: The presentation information has been updated in response to requests from certain users.
    - Added the possibility of indicating the chronology used for dating (periods) of database resources.
    - It is now possible to enter URI-DOI addresses for illustrations linked to the database. These illustrations must first be deposited in the open data warehouse (i.e. Nakala) and thus have a DOI.
    - The standard import file includes a WEB_IMAGES column. This allows the author to indicate the URI-DOI addresses of open illustrations in web format (PNG, JPEG, GIF) for each shared resource.
    - The CC-BY 4.0 licence has been added, allowing commercial re-use of the data presented. The other proposed licences are updated to their latest version.
    - Added the possibility for the author to edit the name of a submitted dataset and modify it to make it more accessible to other users and search engines. The title of the dataset must answer, in 75 characters maximum, these three questions
    - What? the theme
    - When? the period
    - Where? the geographical area concerned
    example: Gallo-Roman jugs in Alsace.
2022/03/28ArkeoGIS 4.6
Funding: MASA

Thesaurus: Improved alignment of ArkeoGIS thesauri indexing to PACTOLS. The tools for editing the various records are modified to allow the removal of irrelevant entries from the platform.

  • (F) Data accessibility: The website is updated to include daily synchronisation of the thesaurus. The names of the datasets and the number of occurrences for each are indicated in the online manual.
    - This enables users to better identify datasets that may be of interest to their research.
    - This gives greater visibility to shared data by being cited for each record used.
  • (F) Data accessibility: It is now possible for authors to share their data following the FAIR data principles (Easy to Find, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) in the project's open collection in the NAKALA data warehouse: ArkeOPEN.
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Update of the ArkeoGIS user manual accordingly in the 4 languages of the project.
  • (I) Thesauri: Improved alignment of the indexing of ArkeoGIS thesauri with PACTOLS. The tools used to edit the various records have been modified to enable irrelevant entries to be deleted from the platform.
  • (R) Data distribution: The presentation information and data sharing conditions have been updated in response to requests from certain users.
2022/01/10ArkeoGIS 4.5
Funding: University of Strasbourg Foundation

  • (F) Data accessibility: The website is updated on a daily basis to include synchronisation of the thesaurus. The online manual indicates the ARK and AAT identifiers and the number of occurrences on the platform for each thesaurus entry.
    (A) Accessibility of tools: Update of the ArkeoGIS user manual accordingly in the 4 languages of the project.
    (I) Thesaurus: Evolution of the Real Estate characterisation (Architectural element, Finishing work, Materials), and addition of the new category dedicated to Analyses, in the 4 languages, following the request and participation of Sarah Boularand (CCJ, AMU) for the WaterTraces project (A*Midex Foundation, dir. Sophie Bouffier, CCJ, Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme (MMSH ).
    Alignment of the ArkeoGIS thesaurus with unique and durable identifiers in collaboration with Lizzie Scholtus for the MASA consortium and the MSH Val de Loire. The URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) of the reference thesauri selected are the Archival Resource Key (ARK) of the PACTOLS 2 thesaurus (PACTOLS users), and the Art & Architecture Thesaurus© (AAT) made available by the Getty Research Institute under the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) 1.0. used by ARIADNE+ and other institutions and programmes. This dual alignment enables the concepts implemented by the author of a dataset deposited on the ArkeoGIS platform to be disseminated on a fully international, interoperable and certified basis.
  • (R) Data distribution: Following the integration of the Getty Research Institute's Art & Architecture Thesaurus© (AAT) for features in version 4.5, the export has been updated to the Interoperable standard. This includes the data export CSV file (dataset) and the multilingual XML file presenting the presentation metadata. These included identifiers provide international conformity for greater interoperability of the research produced.
2021/05/12ArkeoGIS 4.4
Funding: MASA, Fondation Université de Strasbourg

  • (F) Data accessibility: The website has been updated to integrate synchronisation between the Tablepress extension and the Mapbox module. In other words, between the georeferenced list and the map of user institutions visible on the user page.
    Development of the WP ArkeoGIS V1.1 theme to improve management of front page elements and the manual menu in tablet and mobile mode. Modification of the layout of the account request and metadata forms to make them easier to read (FR UK).
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Update of the ArkeoGIS user manual accordingly in the 4 languages of the project.
  • (I) Use of data: At the request of a user, the ArkeoGIS identifier has been added to the export of query results. This addition saves time when processing the export by identifying each entry by a unique number, different from the source identifier given by the author of each dataset. These source identifiers can be identical between two databases (e.g. 1 and 1) and therefore generate duplicates and errors in post-processing.
  • (R) Dissemination of data: Following the integration of IdArks from the Pactol thesaurus for characteristics in version 4.3, implementation of a data export file including these identifiers for greater interoperability of the research produced.
    Improved metadata entry interfaces for authors. Addition of attributes describing the dataset (e.g. declaration of open data) and modification of the titles of the input fields. It is now possible to produce a CSV export of the data incorporating this information and a multilingual XML file presenting the metadata of theblincore (author, citation licence, etc.). This pair of files generated by ArkeoGIS enables information to be distributed more widely (Isidore harvesting) and data and metadata qualified and certified by ArkeoGIS to be explored on a third-party platform such as Openarcheo (semantic web).
2020/11/20ArkeoGIS 4.3.
Funding: CNRS USR 3125 - MMSH - Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme, MASA.

  • (F) Data accessibility: The website has been updated to include new exchanges with the ArkeoGIS application.
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Creation of the ArkeoGIS V1 WordPress theme to ensure compatibility with different viewing media (desktop, tablet, smartphone).
  • (I) Characterisation data administration: This data can now be edited off-line using CSV format export and import files.
  • (I) Thesaurus: Evolution of real estate characterisation in the 4 languages following the request and participation of USR 3125 - MMSH
    For each characterisation term concerned in the 4 languages, addition to ensure interoperability with other information systems via webservices, of the perennial identifier IdArk, accessible from the PACTOLS controlled keyword reservoir created and made available by FRANTIQ (Fédération et Ressources sur l'Antiquité constituted as a CNRS Service Group n°3378) under ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 compliant with the ISO 25964 standard.
    The PACTOLS internal Id is included to facilitate future exchanges between the two platforms.
    On the website, the user manual is updated in 4 languages to include links to the term presentation pages.
  • (I) Use of data: The examples page on the website is modified to present different uses of both the platform and the data present.
  • (R) Distribution of data: Addition of the Etalab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0 and ODbL 1.0 licences for the deposit and protection of datasets and maps shared by users.
  • (R) Data distribution: As part of the exchanges between the ArkeoGIS application and the website (REST API), description information concerning the presentation of the databases and maps (date updated, etc) has been added. The databases are presented in an interactive map on the home page of the website.
2019/07/05ArkeoGIS 4.2
Funding: Université de Strasbourg, INIST-CNRS, UMR5199 PACEA

  • (A) Tool accessibility: Updating of the software libraries used by ArkeoGIS and changes to the map query interface in response to user feedback. The user manual on the website has been updated to include the new features.
    - addition of an intermediate zoom step (between the existing steps) to enable a more precise display of the search area.
    - In the map menu, the base maps selected are listed alphabetically by name rather than by the order in which they were selected in the user's project.
    - When queries are displayed, the tools are now under the name of the query, and in the list of response databases, the number of sites responding to the query from this source on the map is shown in brackets next to the name of the database.
    Details of changes to the interface can be found on the map page of the user manual.
  • (I) Thesaurus: evolution of the furniture characterisation in the 4 languages following the request and participation of UMR 5199 PACEA. The additions to the lithic parures can be consulted on the furniture page of the online manual and the corresponding chronologies for the Antilles are available in the ArkeoGIS application for users.
  • (R) Data distribution: Added management for authors to export datasets and metadata stored in ArkeoGIS in OMEKA format. The user manual shows how this operation works in one click.
2018/07/27ArkeoGIS 4.1
Funding: RDMed-DB / Labex OT-MED

  • (A) Mapping tools: Addition of management of CRS:84 projections according to the constraints of the mapping servers relating to the project, evolution of the WMS and WMTS exchange platform and protocols in response to an evolution of the servers previously queried. As some of these map data sources are secure and others are not, ArkeoGIS acts as a transfer gateway, so as to meet the constraints of each. Adding and configuring new servers and modifying the default map backgrounds in the query interface.
  • A) Mapping tools: Implementation of transparency management between information layers from different servers.
  • (I) Administration of mapping data: Development of the mapeditor extension interface in response to user feedback. The user and administrator manuals on the website have been updated to include the new functions.
  • (R) Data distribution: Indexes and information relating to databases and maps are automatically synchronised daily between the application and the website in the 4 languages of the application and the website.
2017/05/15ArkeoGIS 4.0.1
Funding: Université de Strasbourg

  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Data security, implementation of https protocols on the application. In collaboration with Huma-num for the implementation of the authentication certificate and encryption, in order to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanges between users, third-party servers and the ArkeoGIS application server.
2016-2017ArkeoGIS 4
Funding: Idex - Université de Strasbourg
Educational features were developed and the interfaces were improved.

  • (A) Tool accessibility: User interfaces for customising the various aspects of the tool (chronology wizard, map background, database, languages, etc.).
    Development of the query formulation interface. Addition of new functions.
  • (I) Data administration: Administrator interface for managing categories and characterisations (multi-language).
  • (I) Thesaurus: Development of characterisations (addition of boats, funerary modification, etc).
  • (R) Data dissemination: New websites (multi-language) and content management tools for administrators (CMS).

2015-2016ArkeoGIS 4
Funding: HYDRΩMED - Adaptation of Mediterranean EcoNOmies of Past to HYdroclimatic changeS (AMENOPHYS)
ArkeoGIS was adapted to fit in specific type of projects and chronologies.

  • (F) Data accessibility: Modification of data relating to the import of databases to include dublin-core metadata, among other things.
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Evolution of the query formulation interface. Addition of new functions.
  • (I) Administration of cartographic data: Administrator interfaces for managing: on-line cartographic collections, users (new rights management).
  • (I) Chronology data administration: Evolution of the system based on a single cultural chronology into a system of multiple cultural chronologies. The indexing of sites will be based on an absolute chronology based on a calendar system in reference to the year JC.
  • (R) Data dissemination: In order to respond to requests for collaboration from non-French and non-German-speaking countries, the bilingual system is evolving into a completely multi-lingual system. French, English, German and Spanish will be the new languages available for importing, using and exporting data.

2015-2016ArkeoGIS 4
The development of a new chronological frame allowing a better cooperation between research laboratories was started.

  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Evolution of the query formulation interface. Addition of new functions.
  • (I) Cartography data administration: Administrator interfaces for managing online cartographic collections.
  • (I) Chronology data administration: Chronology, evolution of the system based on a single cultural chronology into a system of multiple cultural chronologies. The indexing of sites will be based on an absolute chronology based on a calendar system with reference to the year JC.
    users (new rights).
  • (R) Data dissemination: In order to respond to requests for collaboration from non-French and non-German speaking countries, the bilingual system is evolving into a completely multi-lingual system.
2013-2014 ArkeoGIS 3
Funding: Interreg Université de Strasbourg

  • (F) Data accessibility: The general navigation of the site has been improved. The import interface and script have been modified to include new information, to automate the creation of information qualifying the databases and to save a copy of the original file for each database on the server.
  • A) Accessibility of tools: The general ergonomics of the query formulation interface now offers a description of the databases from the query construction interface to make them easier to select, the possibility of creating queryable zones (rectangle, disc or geographical area selection coordinates) to be included in the query, on-the-fly display of the cursor coordinates and a new free text search function on the ‘site name, municipality, bibliography and remarks’ fields. This involves a complete rewrite of the ArkeoGIS internal search engine to include the new formulations of the Habitat, Furniture and Real Estate characterisations, the new search conditioning options and the information gathered following the use of ArkeoGIS by the first users/contributors.
  • (A) Accessibility of tools: Hosting and related services for this platform are provided on the Huma-num infrastructure.
  • (A) Cartographic tools: Change of cartographic interface, addition of new functions for managing the display of results on the map.
    Summary of query information available in dynamic tabs. Improved quality and legibility of the information displayed in the ‘Site details’ section.Addition of ‘Site identifier in source database’ information.
  • (I) Data administration: Implementation of a database presentation and management interface.
  • (I) Thesaurus: Improvement of general descriptors (following feedback from users).

2011-2012ArkeoGIS 2
Funding: ‘Between the Vosges and the Black Forest, archaeology and ancient geography’ Project B 27, part of INTERREG IV Upper Rhine, Université de Strasbourg

  • (A) Accessibility of tools: databases are now presented in an orderly fashion, either as a result of inventory work or a specific search.
    The general ergonomics of the query interface are more functional. It also offers a new function. The possibility for the user to include a logical AND or OR link when writing a query that includes at least two different characterisations. A complete rewrite of the ArkeoGIS internal search engine to refine the relevance of results. This rewrite is necessary to include the characterisations linked to Landscape, the new search conditioning options and the information gathered following the use of ArkeoGIS by the first contributors.
  • (I) Thesaurus: During this second stage, with the collaboration of geographers, landscape-related characterisations are integrated into the import and query protocols. For the first time, ArkeoGIS allows both archaeological and geographical databases to be queried in the same online interface.
    The ‘Depth of remains’ information, deemed unreliable, is no longer taken into account.
  • (R) Data dissemination: Improve the quality and legibility of the information visible in the ‘Tooltip’ and the ‘Site sheet’. Introduction of a tooltip presenting the databases, accessible from the user directory.

2006-2010ArkeoGIS 1
Funding: MISHA Université de Strasbourg

  • (A) Maintenance: Validation of the solution, upgrading and migration to the Adonis TGE.


Lenguajes y ladrillos de software

Servidor y aplicación web ArkeoGIS

  • Lenguajes: Go, Javascript
  • Frameworks: AngularJS, Leaflet
  • RDBMS y extensiones: PostgreSQL, PostGIS

Servidor y aplicación web ArkeOpen

  • Lenguajes: Javascript
  • Marcos de trabajo: React JS, Maplibre, Bootstrap, Mirador
  • SGBDR y extensiones: Hasura, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, PostGIS,

El código fuente de la aplicación está disponible en GitHub:

CMS WordPress, tema ArkeoGIS v1.1. escrito por Christophe Beveraggi, dirección de arte Pedro Vitorino.
Cartografía de Mapbox
Plugin de deslizamiento doble (start-end) escrito por Christophe Beveraggi (frontpage)
Plugin adaptado y sincronizado con el plugin Tablepress de Christophe Beveraggi (Usuarios)
Traducción: alemán Loup Bernard, inglés Charlène Morel, español Eneko Hiriart

Respeto en el diseño y aplicación de las normas:

WAI-ARIA (Iniciativa de Accesibilidad a la Web – Aplicaciones ricas de Internet accesibles)


La red de servicios gestionada por el TGIR Huma-Num
Esta infraestructura proporciona a los equipos de investigación un conjunto de herramientas compartidas para el tratamiento, la difusión y el almacenamiento de los datos de la investigación, incluso a largo plazo. El objetivo principal de esta red es promover la interoperabilidad.

Los servicios que el TGIR pone a disposición de sus diferentes usuarios (estudiantes e investigadores) se refieren tanto al software ArkeoGIS como al inventario o las bases de datos temáticas de los investigadores.