
The ArkeoGIS application allows users to showcase and distribute their data. Each contributor to the platform decides on the level of information he wishes to make available to ArkeoGIS users. If they wish, they can also participate in open science and FAIR data by depositing their data in an open collection of a permanent data warehouse and exhibiting it on ArkeOpen, the FAIR project platform.


Data and metadata in an interoperable standard

Once the data has been deposited on ArkeoGIS and the metadata has been validated, the data can be accessed after identification only by other users of the platform.

The author can also open his or her data to the general public, and to harvesting by specialised search engines (ISIDORE) by depositing them, for example, in the ArkeOpen collection of the secure NAKALA data warehouse. The opening of the data also allows the use of the database on open platforms, such as ArkeOpen, or Openarcheo which proposes a semantic exploration of the contents.

Below is the protocol to follow in order to publish them in accordance with the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

  • Validate and register the wish for an opening from the ArkeoGIS application interface.
  • Deposit on NAKALA (for example) in the ArkeOpen collection or in your collection, the dataset in CSV format (interoperable).
  • It then obtains a unique identifier of the DOI type and a permanent download address.
  • Complete the metadata from the ArkeoGIS application interface. A certain number of information fields are required, including an identifier and a perennial download address obtained previously. It is then possible to request an export in XML format of the dataset presentation metadata and to deposit it as a data attachment (CSV) in the ArkeOpen collection.
  • The CSV export of the dataset in interoperable format is available from ArkeoGIS . In addition to the information in the standard export, there are:
    • The identifier of the entry in ArkeoGIS.
    • The ARK PACTOL 2 identifier of the Opentheso partner platform of the feature if it exists.
    • The AAT identifier provided by the Getty Research Institute for the feature if it exists.
    • The address of the web page presenting the entry if it exists, the perennial address for downloading the dataset by default. It is therefore necessary to re-upload the CSV of the data amended with the update of the download URL in the metadata if the site does not have a presentation web address.
  • NAKALA provides users with the different versions of the submitted documents, so do not hesitate to update them as necessary.

Data and metadata on an open platform

Following this, the author can also make resources available to all to participate in the promotion, dissemination and unhindered reuse of research data in order to generalise access to knowledge for all readers. That is to say, professionals and colleagues not identified on ArkeoGIS and non-professionals interested in the subject (schoolchildren, associations and enthusiasts, etc.), on the ArkeOpen platform. To do this, they must contact one of the ArkeoGIS administrators using this form and request an ASAP (Arkeo Synchronisation Admin Platform) operation with ArkeOpen.


The website exchanges information on the various datasets published with the application using a REST protocol. This information, written by the authors, is accessible to all in different forms.

  • An interactive map on the front page of the site allows visitors to visualise the name, number of sites, start and end points as well as the geographical extent of shared databases.
    • They can filter these data according to their type (inventory, work, research).
    • Display specialised databases over a period by moving the start and end points of the timeline developed specifically for this purpose.
  • Thematic lists (database, cartography, chronology) present more widely the work of each.
  • A page presents the open databases in the ArkeOpen collection of the perennial and secure NAKALA data warehouse made available by the very large Huma-Num research infrastructure.
  • ArkeOpen, the FAIR platform of the ArkeoGIS project, allows to consult, query and share freely the open resources made available to all by their authors.

nota: When you use data from a third party, please check in the description of the database from which you extract data how the author wishes to be cited, you can also cite the platform used 🙂