The sheet presenting the databases can be found from the databases’ index or the ArkeoGIS’ directory. Please, note that you need to be logged in to access this file. Some informations are compulsory to publish a database on ArkeoGIS. Those informations are given either by the author(s) either by ArkeoGIS itself during the uploading process. The optional fields are let at the author(s)’ discretion.
On the database sheet are only visible the fields that the author(s) have actually filled in. For instance, here is a full database sheet.
The following informations are displayed on the sheet :
Title | Description | Dublin code | Compulsory | Source |
Name | The database's name appears as the title of the sheet. | Title | yes | Author |
Coordinator | The coordinator is the user who uploads the resource using ArkeoGIS' services and standard. | Creator | yes | Author |
Author(s) and co-author(s) | Name of the person/people who created the resource. | Creator | yes | Author |
Publisher | Name of the person/organization/service spearheading the creation of the data. For instance : CNRS, The Heritage Services, a university, ... | Publisher | no | Author |
Contributor | Name of a person/organization/service who contributed to the database's creation. | Contributor | no | Author |
Subject(s) / Key words | There can be several key words for a single database. For instance, for the EPD, you can use "pollen" and "C14" as key words. | Subject | yes | Author |
Starting date | The starting date refers to the oldest date among all the starting dates of the database. ArkeoGIS' reference is the Anno Domini's calendar system. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Ending date | The ending date refers to the most recent date among all the ending dates of the database. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Total of lines | Total of lines of the database. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Total of sites | Total of different sites' id detected by ArkeoGIS in the database. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Type | Inventory, Book's transcript or Research. | yes | Author | |
Scale | Refers to the resolution's scale of the database's dots. Seven possibilities : object, site, watershed, micro-region, region or country. | yes | Author | |
Publication's status | Publish (on ArkeoGIS) or not. If not, users can't access your database through the mapping interface. | yes | Author | |
Creation's date | Refers to the creation of the original database. When only the year is known, please use this nomenclature : 01/01/XXXX. It will allow us to dinstinguish these databases from the well dated ones. | yes | Author | |
Importation's date | Date of the first import of the database on ArkeoGIS. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Last edit's date | Date of the last import of the database on ArkeoGIS. | Date | yes | ArkeoGIS |
State of work | In progress or finished. | yes | Author | |
Geographical scope | World, International waters, continent or country. | Coverage | yes | Author |
Country/Continent | If the user choose either country or continent, he must specify its choice. The continents are : Africa, North America, South America, Antarctic, Asia, Europe and Oceania. | Coverage | yes | Author |
Geographical details | To specify the geographical scope of the database, a text field can be used. | Coverage | no | Author |
Context of realisation | Academic work, Contract, Research Team or Other. Multiple choices are possible. | yes | Author | |
Details of the context of realisation | For instance : Master degree, PhD, Research's programme's name. | no | Author | |
Database's language | Refers to the language of the database. ArkeoGIS allows the users to consult the data in the language they choose (either French, English, German or Spanish). | Language | yes | Author |
Description | Description of the database in a text field in the language of the database (either English, French, German or Spanish). Please, note that this description must also be made in English to ensure a better diffusion of the informations. The language of the description matches to the personal choices of the users. | Description | yes | Author |
Base's source | This field displays the URL address of the resource's URI in its original form (before any modification for and by ArkeoGIS). | Source | no | Author |
Relations with other resources | Refers to any possible relations with other resources. | Relation | no | Author |
Bibliography | The author can choose here the way he wants his work to be quoted. | no | Author | |
Licence and rights | When the initiator publishes a database on ArkeoGIS, every user can access it. That's why he must state the terms of us of this resource. A licence protecting the work must be chosen. Creative Commons' licences, There is either Attribution/No commercial share : CC-BY-NC or Attribution/No commercial share/Share alike : CC-BY-NC-SA. Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0, ODbL 1.0 | Rights | yes | Author |
Uploaded CSV's file | ArkeoGIS offers filing and access to the different versions of the resource. | yes | ArkeoGIS | |
Resource's ID | URI : Uniform Resource Identifier. It is recommended to use an external storage platform to ensure a better diffusion of the resource. For instance, Nakala, mom, etc. | no | Author | |
URI | URL address of the URI. | Identifier | no | Author |
Map | ArkeoGIS displays the database's geographical scope thanks to the coordinates in the uploaded file. | ArkeoGIS | ||
Edit the database | The author(s) can always modifiy the resource or the informations about it. | Author | ||
Download CSV | Every user can download a .csv export of the resource. The language of the data will be the one that the applicant has chosen in its profile. | User | ||
Delete the database | The author(s) can delete their database at anytime. | Author |