
In order to ensure the relevance of the results displayed, ArkeoGIS relies on a strict importation protocol. Every field specified as mandatory below really is! The absence of a compulsory field, a mistake or an approximation in the formulation of the field’s title could lead ArkeoGIS to refuse a site during its upload. Furthermore, a site can only be uploaded if it has at least one characterisation (real-estate, furniture, production, landscape or media).

A dedicated interface for the importations allows researchers to submit their database online.

  • When submitting the database, an error report is generated by the server. It is then displayed on the browser to allow the researcher to correct the mistakes and quickly submit the new file.
  • When the corrected database is submitted in its entirety, the new information replaces the one that have been saved during the first upload.

The file proposed for the import must be written in one of the four languages ArkeoGIS use (German, English, Spanish or French). It must be a .CSV format; the character set is « Unicode (UTF8); the field divider is « ; » and the text divider is «  ». The first line of the imported database must use the English headers. The value, type and presence of every field into the importation file are described below. Further information about these fields can be found in the FAQ page of this handbook.

The updated standard file and its documentation are available at this address:

  • AKG4.7 Addition of WEB_IMAGES column: Bernard, Loup et al. (2022) «Fichier d’importation standard et fichier descriptif des champs à partir de ArkeoGIS 4.7» [Dataset] NAKALA.
An unknown value must be indicated as NULL
Please don't use « 0 » which is a value
Unique identifier of the site into the source database.Alphanumeric
SITE_NAMESite's name or its mailing address.Alphanumeric
MAIN_CITY_NAMEName of the municipality on which the main part of the site is.Alphanumeric
If there are no Longitude and Latitude coordinates for the site. You can find them on the website : Use the municipality’s name to request a Geoname, and use the GeoNameId “city villages” into ArkeoGIS. You will find this ID under the little “P” icon, or the “P.PPL” icon which means a populated place.
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID must have the same GEONAME_ID.
EPSG's code of the coordinate system
For instance : WGS84 = 4326, RGF93 = 4171, Lambert93 = 2154,  ETRS89 = 4258
Other correspondences can be found in Wikipedia.
if the site isn't classified as a city centroid.
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID must have the same longitude. The decimal separator must be a dot, not a comma.
if the site isn't classified as a city centroid.
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID must have the same latitude. The decimal separator must be a dot, not a comma.
For the terrestrial sites, the highest altitude is chosen.
For the submarine sites, the lowest altitude is chosen.
The unit reference is the meter.
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID must have the same altitude. The decimal separator must be a dot, not a comma.
CITY_CENTROIDIf the geographical coordinates are unknown (latitude X and longitude Y's fields are left empty)
You need to choose « YES ». Then, ArkeoGIS will use the city centroid.
One the proposals.
OCCUPATIONEach line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID must have the same « occupation » amongst the following : Not documented – Single – Continuous – MultipleAlphabeticalMANDATORY
STATE_OF_KNOWLEDGE Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID can have a different state of knowledge, so that every element of characterisation can be better described. Please, choose between the following : Not documented – Literature – Airborne Survey – Foot survey – Probed – Excavated.AlphabeticalMANDATORY
STARTING_PERIODThe values can be :
- Either numerical : preceded by « + » or « - » The default value is « + »
- Either textual : Undefined
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID can have a different starting date relating to each element of characterisation.
Some examples in Chronology page in this manual.
ENDING_PERIODThe values can be :
- Either numerical : preceded by « + » or « - » The default value is « + »
- Either textual : Undefined
Each line starting with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID can have a different ending date relating to each element of characterisation.
Some examples in Chronology page in this manual.
CARAC_NAMEPlease, choose one of the following suggestions : Realestate – Furniture – Production – Landscape or Medias.AlphabeticalMANDATORY
CARAC_LVL1Must use the exact same wording for the characterisation's level that has been defined in the CARAC_NAME's columnAlphabeticalMANDATORY
CARAC_LVL2Must use the exact same wording for the characterisation's level that has been defined in the CARAC_NAME's column.
The previous level must be filled in order to fill this one.
CARAC_LVL3Must use the exact same wording for the characterisation's level that has been defined in the CARAC_NAME's column.
The previous level must be filled in order to fill this one.
CARAC_LVL4Must use the exact same wording for the characterisation's level that has been defined in the CARAC_NAME's column.
The previous level must be filled in order to fill this one.
CARAC_EXPOne of the proposals must be chosenYes-NoMANDATORY
BIBLIOGRAPHYA site with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID, but multiple lines, can have a distinct bibliography for each element of characterisation.Alphanumeric
COMMENTSA site with the same SITE_SOURCE_ID, but multiple lines, can have a distinct comment for each element of characterisation.Alphanumeric
WEB_IMAGESA site with the same "SITE_SOURCE_ID", on different lines, can thus have separate illustrations for each of the characterisation elements described.
The author can put links to images stored on Nakala, which will be captioned if the deposit is made on Nakala, ArkeoGIS retrieving all the metadata from the DOI indicated, to generate a file in IIIF manifest.json format.
It is also possible to specify manifest.json file URLs in IIIF format.
These links should be entered separated by a ',' exe:, , ,
They will be presented in a Mirador IIIF viewer on the ArkeOpen interface.