Liste der Datenbanken


Die nachstehende Tabelle wird täglich mit dem Index der in der ArkeoGIS-Anwendung verfügbaren Datenbanken synchronisiert. Die Datenbanken (Datensätze) sind nach dem Datum der letzten Aktualisierung (jüngste zuerst) geordnet.

Wenn Autoren/Workgroups ihre Datenbank-Metadaten nicht korrekt eingegeben haben, erscheint die Datenbank unter dem Namen der Person, die den Import durchgeführt hat. Dies wird natürlich korrigiert, sobald die dublincore Metadaten von den Datenbanken empfangen werden.

NameAutorenBetreff, SchlüsselwörterAktualisierungErstellungLizenzStartEndeZeilenStandortTypStatusAbdeckungGeomäßige AbdeckungSkalaSpracheBeschreibung
Fouilles décrites dans SYSLAT ouvertes dans ArkeOpenLoup BERNARD - Sébastien Munos - Hakima MANSERI - Réjane ROURESIA, SYSLAT2025-02-14 10:552025-02-14 10:33Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-5251920103InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[1.75574,43.63333],[1.75574,48.68],[4.8752,48.68],[4.8752,43.63333],[1.75574,43.63333]]]}FundstellefrExcavations documented in the SYSLAT AIS
Fouilles décrites dans le SIA SYSLATLoup BERNARD - Sébastien Munos - Hakima MANSERI - Réjane ROUREsites fouillés, SIA, SYSLA2025-02-14 10:472025-02-14 10:11Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-22002100256InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.15218,43.63333],[-0.15218,48.68],[4.8752,48.68],[4.8752,43.63333],[-0.15218,43.63333]]]}FundstellefrExcavated sites described in the SYSLAT AIS
EpiCherchell, inscriptions antiques de Caesarea Mauretaniae (Cherchell)Stéphanie Satre - Bruno BAUDOIN - Philippe LEVEAUépigraphie, inscription, Caesarea Mauretaniae, Cherchell, Algérie, Juba, Ptolémée2025-02-11 17:292025-01-20 10:37Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-2550190189ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.175019,36.599042],[2.175019,36.610222],[2.211189,36.610222],[2.211189,36.599042],[2.175019,36.599042]]]}ObjektfrThe project to publish the ancient inscriptions of Caesarea of Mauretania (Cherchell, Algeria) was initiated in 2010 by Philippe Leveau, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of Aix-Marseille. Its aim is to publish all the ancient epigraphic texts from the former capital of the Roman province of Maurétanie Césarienne.
The imported dataset concerns inscriptions engraved at the time of kings Juba II and Ptolemy and in the first decades of the province.
Iconographie du vin dans la mosaïque Antique et Byzantine en MéditerranéeSabrina Plazamosaïque, pavement, sol, vin, pressoir, fouloir, vendange, vendangeur, agricole, église, amour, mois, calendrier, wine, mosaïc, byzantin, romain, musée, villa, Syrie, Liban, Jordanie, Tunisie, Algérie, Albanie, Espagne, Argos,2025-01-13 11:162024-11-14 09:59Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-30014003130ForschungIn ArbeitErde{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-6.338333333,31.50147],[-6.338333333,45.76],[36.116666667,45.76],[36.116666667,31.50147],[-6.338333333,31.50147]]]}FundstellefrThe database lists mosaics with one or more depictions of the wine production process (from harvest to wine production). The database includes mosaics from all over the Mediterranean basin, dating from the Hellenistic to Byzantine periods.
Mikvaot médiévaux en Europe (VIe-XVIe siècle)Benjamin GRIGISmikvé, micvé, mikveh, mikwe, mikvaot, mikwaot, bassin, rituel, juif, juive, juifs, judaïsme, jewish, bath, piscine, baño, judíos, jüdisch, bad, bagno, ebraico2025-01-07 11:052024-12-27 14:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.080014912625InventarBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.3688935,38.0099716],[-3.3688935,51.3701323],[12.151232,51.3701323],[12.151232,38.0099716],[-3.3688935,38.0099716]]]}FundstellefrThis database lists Jewish ritual baths (m. mikveh, pl. mikvaot) from the medieval period (6th-16th century) in Europe. The database includes France, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Sièges épiscopaux attestés en Europe centrale et orientale Ier-VIIIe s.Dominic MOREAUsièges épiscopaux, Europe Centrale, Europe Orientale, attestations historiques2024-12-18 10:442024-12-18 10:44Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.050787208207ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[9.1732384,35.0095285],[9.1732384,49.01948],[38.831738241,49.01948],[38.831738241,35.0095285],[9.1732384,35.0095285]]]}FundstellefrThis database concerns the list of episcopal sees attested by history in the most recent version of the "Historical Atlas of Episcopal Sees of Central and Eastern Europe until 787" published in 2023 (https:// The aim here is to offer a detailed and precise "status quaestionis" with regard to written sources, in order to serve as a basis for archaeological and historical reflection on the establishment of the episcopal institution, or even, generally, of the Christian Church, in a part of the European continent for which a complete regional synthesis is still lacking.
Sièges épiscopaux incertains en Europe centrale et orientale Ier-VIIIe s.Dominic MOREAUsièges épiscopaux, Europe Centrale, Europe Orientale, attestations incertaines2024-12-18 10:252024-12-18 10:25Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.03017879493ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[15.57763,34.867327],[15.57763,48.393748],[47.829183333,48.393748],[47.829183333,34.867327],[15.57763,34.867327]]]}FundstellefrThis database concerns the list of uncertain episcopal sees in the most recent version of the "Historical Atlas of Episcopal Sees of Central and Eastern Europe up to 787" published in 2023 ( 10.57976/chonocarto.129). The aim here is to offer a detailed and precise "status quaestionis", with regard to the written sources, in order to serve as a basis for archaeological and historical reflection on the establishment of the episcopal institution, or even, generally, of the Christian Church, in a part of the European continent for which a complete regional synthesis is still lacking.
Inventaire des données sédimentaires pour ParisMillena FROUINParis, Archéologie, Formations superficielles, Seine, Sondages géotechniques2024-11-14 11:132024-11-14 11:09Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt211210ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.310441104,48.855075492],[2.310441104,48.867228767],[2.345716085,48.867228767],[2.345716085,48.855075492],[2.310441104,48.855075492]]]}FundstellefrThe proposed database comes from synthesis and comparison work carried out for two preventive archeology operations in Paris. It includes both geotechnical data and geoarchaeological data, the objective being to compare the information acquired to ultimately define a database on the Parisian subsoil.
The "comments" fields concatenates several data like: geotechnical drill name, type, backfill thickness, backfill/fine alluvium thickness, fine alluvium thickness, coarse alluvium thickness, outcrop level of fine alluvium, outcrop level of coarse alluvium, outcrop level of Tertiary substrate.
Agglomérations vestiges du VIIIe s AEC au XIVe s EC dans le monde romainPhilippe JULLIENVestiges d'installations et aménagements romains, architecture monumentale, bâtiments publics et religieux, Statut civique, Droits et privilèges2024-10-28 08:152022-09-09 17:48Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-753145329781484BuchIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-9.145302,24.083332],[-9.145302,55.60131],[38.508198,55.60131],[38.508198,24.083332],[-9.145302,24.083332]]]}Fundstellefr"Although there have been many studies of individual cities or groups of cities, there has never been a study of the urbanism of the Roman world as a whole, which means that we have been misinformed not only about the number of cities and how they were distributed.... Hanson, J. W. (2016). Cities Database (OXREP databases). Version 1.0. Accessed (09/09/22): DOI:"

As part of this re-use and during the alignment of this open database with **ArkeoGIS**. Information about the **Civic Status** (Colonia, Municipium, Metropolis capital, Provincial capital, Conventus capital, City of the Syrian Decapolis, City of the Libyan Pentapolis) and **Rights and Privileges** (decumana, foederata, libera, libera et immunis, peregrine, ius Latii, ius Romanum, ius Italicum, stipendiaria) acquired or assumed? for some of these settlements is included. Updates have been made to certain site names, with more precise start dates, and end dates have been added signifying the abandonment of the site or the end of Roman (West) or Byzantine (East) influence.
Some descriptions and monuments discovered or documented since the source database was created have been added, and some site locations have been added. The source database, which mainly contains chief towns (capitals), has been supplemented by other towns with remains of public buildings.
This information comes from the following open documentary platforms: [Persée](, [Perseus](, [Openedition journals](, [Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire]( and the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia in April 2024. They are listed in the bibliography of the sites concerned.

[Some of the resources]( are enriched by open documentation from research work, archive services, digital libraries or other projects to enhance the value of heritage documents, such as
[BNF Gallica](, [Getty Museum](, [Harvard Library](, collections [Nakala ]( (ASM_UMR_5140, Archeovision, B@sic, Legiones, provincias, classes... Morceaux choisis, Les agglomérations dans le monde celtique et ses marges, MAP_UMR_3495, Portail3DSHS, Theatra, Un public ou des publics? La réception des spectacles dans le monde romain), [St Andrew university](,
[WikiData](, and the [Yale Center for British Art](
These illustrations (paintings, engravings, photographs, 3D models) were created by artists, officers and scientists of different nationalities between the 17th and 21st centuries.

Certain terms not found in the ArkeoGIS thesaurus are indicated in the commentary on the buildings and can be searched using the text search: [Fanum](, [Mithraeum](, [Nymphaeum](
| These updates concern for | the moment the following | provinces: |
| [Britannia](, | [Gallia Narbonensis](, | [Pannonia Inferior](, |
| [Gallia Aquitania](, | [Germania Inferior](, | [Pannonia Superior](, |
| [Gallia Belgica](, | [Germania Superior](, | [Raetia]( |
| [Gallia Lugdunensis](, | [Noricum](, | |

The names of the provinces used here are those of the provinces during the reign of the emperor **Trajan** (98:117) during the most extensive geographical expansion of Roman administration.
Argilières du massif forestier de Haguenau - 2024Marius FederArgilières, période contemporaine, glaisière, exploitation d'argile, forêt, Haguenau, Soufflenheim2024-10-09 15:362024-10-09 15:36Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0179020201413ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.936697497,48.818443402],[7.936697497,48.862380819],[7.958329165,48.862380819],[7.958329165,48.818443402],[7.936697497,48.818443402]]]}ObjektfrThis is a database showing the location of a number of clay pits or the beginnings of clay pits in the Haguenau forest, near the town of Soufflenheim. The information and location of the various clay pits was provided verbally by Stéphane Brucker, working for the Pays rhénan tourist office, during a pedestrian prospection. The database is useful for locating places of lesser archaeological interest due to “recent” clay mining.
Structures et parcellaires agraires en forêt de Haguenau - LiDAR ONF - 2024Marius FederStructures agraires, parcellaires agraires, forêt, Haguenau, LiDAR, rideau de culture, murets, épierrement, champ bombé, enclos2024-10-09 15:102024-10-08 15:35Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-2520203231ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.641545186,48.824869567],[7.641545186,48.88897872],[7.999110066,48.88897872],[7.999110066,48.824869567],[7.641545186,48.824869567]]]}ObjektfrThis database was created as part of a university project. It consists of an inventory of the various agrarian structures fossilized under the current forest cover of the Haguenau forest, thanks to the digital terrain model obtained from the LiDAR overflight commissioned by the Office National des Forêts in 2021 as part of the Forêt d'Exception® initiative. The aim of the study was to update the archaeological map of the Haguenau forest massif. A total of 31 potential agrarian structures were identified using the digital terrain model, including domed fields, low walls, cultivation curtains, enclosures and stone-pile structures. The regional archaeology department will also benefit from this database of potential agricultural structures.
Tumulus de la forêt de Haguenau - LiDAR Office National des Forêts - 2024Marius FederFunéraire, Tumulus, Nécropole, Monument, Haguenau, LiDAR, Protohistoire2024-07-06 13:062024-07-06 13:06Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-2200-26216215ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.63965691,48.806630421],[7.63965691,48.900355666],[8.042288408,48.900355666],[8.042288408,48.806630421],[7.63965691,48.806630421]]]}ObjektfrThis database was created as part of a university project. It consists of an inventory of the various burial mounds identified using the digital terrain model obtained from the LiDAR survey commissioned by the Office National des Forêts in 2021 as part of the Forêt d'Exception® initiative. The aim of the study was to update the archaeological map of the Haguenau forest massif. A total of 215 potential burial mounds were identified using the digital terrain model, some of which are very large (over 30 metres in diameter) and some of which appear to be "double burial mounds". The regional archaeology department will also be able to take advantage of this database of newly unearthed potential burial mounds.
Habitats IIIe AEC autour de MarseilleLoup BERNARD - Jean-Philippe DROUXVerduron, Marseille, grecque, Celtes méridionaux, IIIe s. av. J.-C.2024-04-26 10:062019-04-24 15:31Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-300-26263ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.2757835,43.371387],[5.2757835,43.396194],[5.338889,43.396194],[5.338889,43.371387],[5.2757835,43.371387]]]}FundstellefrVerduron and contemporary sites excavated around Greek Marseille in the 3rd century BC.
Test TellAdem SismanTest tells circulaires Syrie Quenet 20132024-04-18 17:222024-04-17 18:25Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-3100-229964ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[39.4583,36.5896],[39.4583,37.6162],[40.4583,37.6162],[40.4583,36.5896],[39.4583,36.5896]]]}FundstellefrTest tells circulaires Syrie Quenet 2013
Oppida, Atlas des fortifications celtiques EuropeLizzie SCHOLTUS - Clément FÉLIU - Gilles PIERREVELCIN - Bertrand BONAVENTUREOppidum, ville, fortifications, La Tène finale, agglomération2024-04-15 09:212022-08-18 16:23Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-650020161977190InventarBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.7418728,43.476498],[-3.7418728,54.49948],[21.810007,54.49948],[21.810007,43.476498],[-3.7418728,43.476498]]]}FundstellefrThis database contains the sites and discoveries described in the database, whose description indicates :

The oppidum (plural oppida) is the name given by Caesar to the Celtic cities he found before him during the conquest of Gaul. In archaeology, this name is now used for all fortified sites in the Celtic world, covering a minimum area of 15 ha and dated to the second half of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC (La Tène finale). These settlements are both economic and political centres. They can be considered as the first cities north of the Alps.
This action is part of a European project "Oppida: the first towns north of the Alps" subsidised by the European Commission's Culture 2000 programme (dossier 2005 - 0840). The aim of this project is to promote an exceptional heritage: the urban sites of the Celtic civilisation of pre-Roman Europe.

In the context of the alignment of the data in this database to ArkeoGIS, all the descriptions are reported in the "COMMENTS" column, even if each possible element is also included in the thesaurus. The lines indicated as exceptional in the thesaurus correspond to elements indicated as exceptional in this same description. If other settlements are indicated in the vicinity of the original site described, they have been represented in the same location, but with different site numbers to distinguish them. Similarly, if finds correspond to a specific phase or feature of a site, they are separated with their structure using a different site number.
Structures from the Al-Mudhaybi Regional Survey, Oman (Neolithic to modern)Stephanie DöpperOman, survey, tombs, sharqiyah, Umm an-Nar, Hafit, Wadi Suq, Iron Age, Samad, Islamic2024-04-11 17:132024-04-11 17:03Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-3100300041134112ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[57.919099981,22.474754494],[57.919099981,22.745858623],[58.219204439,22.745858623],[58.219204439,22.474754494],[57.919099981,22.474754494]]]}MikroregionenDatensatz der im Al-Mudhaybi Regional Survey dokumentierten Strukturen. Das Projekt wurde von 2018-2022 von der Deutschen Forschugnsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projektnummer 406621686, gefördert.
Enclos circulaires protohistoriques du Haut-Rhin, prospections aériennesSébastien GOEPFERTFunéraire, Monuments, Tumulus, Haut-Rhin, Âge du Bronze, Âge du Fer, Archéologie aérienne, Protohistoire, Âge des métaux, Tombes2024-04-03 16:422024-04-03 16:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-1600-26130129InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.0108,47.63916],[7.0108,48.18243],[7.570942,48.18243],[7.570942,47.63916],[7.0108,47.63916]]]}FundstellefrAerial survey of circular ditches in the Haut-Rhin, France
Tumuli protohistoriques du Haut-Rhin (68) repérés sur LiDARSébastien GOEPFERTFunéraire, Monuments, Tumulus, Haut-Rhin, Âge du Bronze, Âge du Fer, LiDAR, Protohistoire, Âge des métaux, Tombes2024-04-03 16:202024-04-03 16:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-1600-26538536InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.9818947,47.49113],[6.9818947,48.26249],[7.56935,48.26249],[7.56935,47.49113],[6.9818947,47.49113]]]}ObjektfrInventory of Protohistoric burial mounds identified using LiDAR imagery in the Haut-Rhin department (68)
Villas Gallo-romaines de FranceMathilde ORESVEVilla, romain, gallo-romain, milieu rural, habitat, installation agricole, produit agricole, milieu urbain2024-02-25 15:142023-06-21 12:14Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-118600561318InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-4.368375018,41.371549225],[-4.368375018,50.359461393],[9.221953949,50.359461393],[9.221953949,41.371549225],[-4.368375018,41.371549225]]]}FundstellefrList of Gallo-Roman villas in France, based on open data available online and an archaeological map of Gaul - Finistère. The databases "Villae romaines d'Aix-en-Provence, Arles et Marseille" - "Villae romaines du sud de la France (Provence et Languedoc)" - "Villae romaines du sud de la France (Provence et Languedoc)". - "Villae romaines remarquables du sud de la France - Ouzoulias 2015".
Archives de l'oppidum des Caisses de Jean-JeanLoup BERNARDoppidum, Caisses de Jean-Jean, âge du Fer, Protohistoire, archives2023-11-21 15:252023-11-21 15:12Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-5002742ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.880841406,43.711451796],[4.880841113,43.711450044],[4.880840354,43.711448368],[4.880839159,43.711446831],[4.880837573,43.711445492],[4.880835658,43.711444404],[4.880833488,43.711443608],[4.880831144,43.711443134],[4.880828718,43.711443001],[4.880826304,43.711443214],[4.880823992,43.711443764],[4.880821873,43.711444631],[4.880820028,43.711445781],[4.880818528,43.71144717],[4.88081743,43.711448745],[4.880816777,43.711450445],[4.880816594,43.711452204],[4.880816887,43.711453956],[4.880817646,43.711455632],[4.880818841,43.711457169],[4.880820427,43.711458508],[4.880822342,43.711459596],[4.880824512,43.711460392],[4.880826856,43.711460866],[4.880829282,43.711460999],[4.880831696,43.711460786],[4.880834008,43.711460236],[4.880836127,43.711459369],[4.880837972,43.711458219],[4.880839472,43.71145683],[4.88084057,43.711455255],[4.880841223,43.711453555],[4.880841406,43.711451796]]]}FundstellefrThe archives of Yves Marcadal (1938-2022) are kept at the Mairie de Mouriès. They have been processed as part of a digitization operation and put online on DoRAA by the IRAA scientific archive service.
Analyses des comblements de silos (TEST)Julie CHARMOILLAUXSilo, ensilage, analyses micomorphologiques, phytolithaires, paillage, enduit terre crue2023-11-16 19:032023-10-30 17:59Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.01200130065ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.613048686,46.459329419],[2.613048686,46.459724865],[2.61383111,46.459724865],[2.61383111,46.459329419],[2.613048686,46.459329419]]]}FundstellefrInventory of micromorphological or phytolithological analyses carried out on samples taken from silo fillings to identify traces of wall development or treatment (mulching, raw earth).
Iron Age Funnelpendant Lower Rhine ValleyOliver NAKOINZ - Kiel Uni - Lizzie SCHOLTUSPendant, Hallstatt2023-07-12 15:102023-07-12 14:53Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-800-5311913BuchBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.289433198,50.798772238],[5.289433198,51.996746178],[8.485076472,51.996746178],[8.485076472,50.798772238],[5.289433198,50.798772238]]]}ObjektenKatalog der Trichteranhänger der Hallstattzeit am Niederrhein
Mobilier en matières dures animale dans le Bassin Parisien au NéolithiqueMatthieu THIVET - Océane LECLERCNéolithique, Bassin parisien, industrie osseuse2023-06-23 16:032023-06-23 15:44Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-5100-21004847ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[1.181582,45.924358],[1.181582,50.097026],[6.699137,50.097026],[6.699137,45.924358],[1.181582,45.924358]]]}FundstellefrAnimal bone furniture in the Paris Basin from the Early Neolithic to the Late Neolithic
L'exploitation des os de morse du pacifique à Nunalleq (Alaska)Matthieu THIVET - Mathilde MASSONAlaska, Yukon, Nunalleq, Faune, Morse2023-06-23 15:332023-06-23 15:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.015701675302ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-161.915812229,59.748890395],[-161.915812418,59.748888637],[-161.915813283,59.748886933],[-161.91581479,59.748885346],[-161.915816881,59.748883938],[-161.915819477,59.748882763],[-161.915822477,59.748881866],[-161.915825766,59.748881281],[-161.915829218,59.748881032],[-161.9158327,59.748881127],[-161.915836078,59.748881564],[-161.915839223,59.748882324],[-161.915842013,59.74888338],[-161.915844341,59.74888469],[-161.915846119,59.748886204],[-161.915847277,59.748887863],[-161.915847771,59.748889605],[-161.915847582,59.748891363],[-161.915846717,59.748893067],[-161.91584521,59.748894654],[-161.915843119,59.748896062],[-161.915840523,59.748897237],[-161.915837523,59.748898134],[-161.915834234,59.748898719],[-161.915830782,59.748898968],[-161.9158273,59.748898873],[-161.915823922,59.748898436],[-161.915820777,59.748897676],[-161.915817987,59.74889662],[-161.915815659,59.74889531],[-161.915813881,59.748893796],[-161.915812723,59.748892137],[-161.915812229,59.748890395]]]}FundstellefrPacific walrus bone using at Nunalleq (GDN-248), Yukon-Kuskowim Delta region, southwest Alaska
Première apparition du blé en EuropeMatthieu THIVET - Mathilde GirardBotanique, macrorestes, carpologie, blé2023-06-23 14:522023-06-23 14:30Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-16000unbestimmt13591358ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-13.564974874,17.032429614],[-13.564974874,61.663261623],[125.4,61.663261623],[125.4,17.032429614],[-13.564974874,17.032429614]]]}FundstellefrHistory of wheat in Europe: first occurrences of wheat by site
Mobilier lithique du niveau sauveterrien ancien R3 à Ruffey-sur-Seille (39)Matthieu THIVET - Julian GARCIAlithique, sauveterrien, A Daupharde2023-06-22 11:532023-06-22 11:53Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt25122ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.508803744,46.750282611],[5.508803411,46.750280863],[5.508802589,46.750279192],[5.508801308,46.750277665],[5.508799618,46.750276338],[5.508797584,46.750275263],[5.508795284,46.750274482],[5.508792807,46.750274024],[5.508790247,46.750273907],[5.508787703,46.750274136],[5.508785273,46.750274702],[5.50878305,46.750275582],[5.50878112,46.750276744],[5.508779557,46.750278142],[5.50877842,46.750279723],[5.508777754,46.750281425],[5.508777584,46.750283185],[5.508777917,46.750284933],[5.50877874,46.750286604],[5.50878002,46.750288131],[5.50878171,46.750289458],[5.508783744,46.750290533],[5.508786044,46.750291314],[5.508788522,46.750291772],[5.508791082,46.750291888],[5.508793625,46.75029166],[5.508796055,46.750291094],[5.508798278,46.750290214],[5.508800208,46.750289052],[5.508801772,46.750287654],[5.508802908,46.750286073],[5.508803574,46.750284371],[5.508803744,46.750282611]]]}FundstellefrInventory of lithic artefacts from the ancient Savinterrian level at the "A Chaudarde" site at Ruffey-sur-Seille (39)
Sites ecclésiaux paléochrétiens de la côte est de l'île de Krk (Croatie)Matthieu THIVET - Alex BaquéDalmatie, Eglise, Paléochrétien, Byzantin, Antiquité Tardive2023-06-22 11:302023-06-22 11:28Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0500150032ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[14.801180556,44.992808302],[14.801180319,44.992806545],[14.801179602,44.992804856],[14.801178436,44.992803297],[14.801176863,44.99280193],[14.801174944,44.992800807],[14.801172754,44.992799972],[14.801170375,44.992799455],[14.801167901,44.992799278],[14.801165426,44.992799447],[14.801163044,44.992799955],[14.801160848,44.992800783],[14.801158921,44.992801899],[14.801157339,44.99280326],[14.801156161,44.992804815],[14.801155434,44.992806502],[14.801155184,44.992808258],[14.801155421,44.992810015],[14.801156138,44.992811704],[14.801157304,44.992813263],[14.801158877,44.99281463],[14.801160796,44.992815753],[14.801162986,44.992816588],[14.801165365,44.992817105],[14.801167839,44.992817282],[14.801170314,44.992817113],[14.801172696,44.992816605],[14.801174892,44.992815777],[14.801176819,44.992814661],[14.801178401,44.9928133],[14.801179579,44.992811745],[14.801180306,44.992810058],[14.801180556,44.992808302]]]}FundstellefrLocalisation of two Eraly Chriastian churches on the East coast of Krk island (Croatia)
Plattenfibeln (Montelius IV) en Allemagne et en PologneClément BATOZâge du Bronze, âge du Bronze final, âge du Bronze nordique, métal, dépôts, protohistoire, funéraire, Allemagne, Pologne, parure, fibules, bronze, alliage cuivreux, Mer Baltique, prestige, élites, parure, objets métalliques décorés, rituels2023-06-09 16:322023-06-09 16:32Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-1100-9004746ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[9.884942979,51.30152],[9.884942979,54.18572],[20.43953,54.18572],[20.43953,51.30152],[9.884942979,51.30152]]]}ObjektfrPlattenfibeln are a corpus of prestigious metal fibulae of Nordic production dating from the Final Bronze Age. These objects are widely distributed, and this database lists early models (Montelius IV) found in northern Germany and Poland. Inventory in progress, partial data, set to be completed by 2024.
Traces du culte de Cybèle dans l'Empire RomainMathilde ORESVECybèle, Attis, Gaule, Époque romaine, Germanie2023-05-24 10:482023-05-13 19:28Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-2544913039ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.574868542,41.387482106],[-0.574868542,50.003215066],[9.15567153,50.003215066],[9.15567153,41.387482106],[-0.574868542,41.387482106]]]}ObjektfrArchaeological marks of Cybèle and Attis.
Les terrassements anthropiques de Bibracte (Mont-Beuvray)Vincent FRANCHINIOppidum, Bibracte, Mont-Beuvray, gallo-romain, capitale gauloise, urbanisme, terrassements anthropiques, habitat groupé, occupation, La Tène, LiDAR, SIG, Parc aux Chevaux, Pierre Salvée2023-05-16 21:472023-05-16 21:47Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-120-207372ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.029454646,46.924047807],[4.029454646,46.929655089],[4.036144022,46.929655089],[4.036144022,46.924047807],[4.029454646,46.924047807]]]}ObjektfrBibracte, a fortified hilltop site from the end of the Second Iron Age, is the oppidum of the Aeduan people. Being under a strong forest cover, we observe at Bibracte an exceptional preservation of the topography. A new, very precise LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) acquisition opens a new door for the resumption of this type of study. The objective of this thesis will be to specify the urbanistic knowledge of the oppidum, based on LiDAR data.
Lieux de culte et dépôts cultuels durant l'époque romaine à Agedincum/SensAlex VAUTHIERLieu de culte, sanctuaire, romain, gallo-romain, dépôt, métal, monnaie, haches, épée, temple, figurine, statue, bracelet, protohistoire, hallstatt, La Tène, hipposandale, bronze, Mercure, Vénus, Harpocrate, Hercule, Succelus, Motte du Ciar, Vulcain, Sens, Agedincum2023-05-16 21:022023-05-16 20:43Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-14005004443ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.260440156,48.17502089],[3.260440156,48.218003303],[3.303520545,48.218003303],[3.303520545,48.17502089],[3.260440156,48.17502089]]]}ObjektfrThe fortuitous discoveries made since the 19th century and the latest programmed archaeology projects allow us to have a wider panorama of the places of worship and cultural deposits during the Protohistory and the Roman period in Sens-Agedincum.
This database lists all the discoveries that can be closely or remotely related to a place of worship or a deposit (monetary or metallic). The points were placed in the center of the cadastral parcels corresponding to the place where the research was carried out. For the Yonne, the points were placed approximately.
Analyses palynologiques du site des Grands-Pâtis, Champdôtre. Earine BUSTINPalynologie, Pollen, Analyses, Paléoenvironnement, Carotte sédimentaire, Echantillon.2023-05-10 12:142023-05-10 12:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt1716ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.26671,47.178084],[5.26671,47.178099],[5.266725,47.178099],[5.266725,47.178084],[5.26671,47.178084]]]}FundstellefrPalynological analysis of samples from the "Grands-Pâtis" site, in Champdôtre.
Habitat dans le Grand-Est à la période de La Tène - Féliu 2008Clément FÉLIUAge du Fer, La Tène moyenne, La Tène finale, habitat, funéraire, Leuques, Médiomatriques, fortifications, oppidum2023-01-27 10:212017-04-13 18:05Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-4604491181676ForschungBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.919894,47.96671],[4.919894,49.44218],[8.106898,49.44218],[8.106898,47.96671],[4.919894,47.96671]]]}FundstellefrThis database takes up the catalog of my doctoral thesis on the "Leuques et Médiomatriques à La Tène moyenne et finale". It consists mainly of settlements, which have been the subject of a detailed study, necropoles, and other site indices.

The site ID refers to the number of the record in the catalog of my thesis, where the reader will find the bibliographic references specific to each of the settlements presented. It is available online:

The precision of the coordinates varies from a few meters to a few hundred meters; the coordinates to the centroid are fixed in the center of the village (church).
The state of knowledge "Literature" corresponds to the sites known only by the literature but also to the prospected sites.
Habitats ruraux du BF3/Augustéen dans la vallée du Rhin supérieurCharlène MOREL - Muriel ROTH-ZEHNERAlsace, Habitats, Age du Fer, Augustéen2023-01-25 10:272016-09-23 12:42Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-90036527476ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.083333,47.61667],[7.083333,49],[8.124561,49],[8.124561,47.61667],[7.083333,47.61667]]]}FundstellefrMuriel Roth-Zehner's database displaying the settlements in the Rhine valley between the late Bronze age and the augustean period.
Découvertes et sites anciens dans le district de Rastatt - Hoffman 2007Charlène MORELInventaire archéologique, Allemagne, Rastatt2023-01-25 10:262016-09-07 13:12Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65002016428254BuchBeendetErde{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[8.005,48.671112],[8.005,48.95139],[8.385556,48.95139],[8.385556,48.671112],[8.005,48.671112]]]}FundstellefrBased on the work of G. Hoffmann : "Spuren Früher Zeiten, Funde und Fundstatten im Landkreis Rastatt", Verlag Regionalkultur, 2007.
Campagnes entre Moselle et Rhin dans l'Antiquité - Nüsslein 2016Jean-Philippe DROUX - Antonin NüssleinMonde rural, Établissements humains, Antiquité, La Tène finale, Rhin, Moselle2023-01-25 10:222017-05-02 17:42Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-320149116551654ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.13471,48.343925],[6.13471,49.18789],[7.6534753,49.18789],[7.6534753,48.343925],[6.13471,48.343925]]]}FundstellefrAncient deposits and the end of the Late period listed in four study areas (Between Seille and Nied, Alsace Bossue/Pays de Bitche, Vosges Piedmont, Lower Bruche Valley) and certain bordering sectors.
Ouvrages miniers de l'âge des métaux et de l'Antiquité en France-DisserLuca BANCHETTI - Alexandre DISSERActivités minières, Ages des métaux, Antiquité, fer, argent, or, cuivre.2023-01-25 10:142017-10-05 16:50Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-22002016792292ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.46667,42.73794],[-3.46667,49.7075],[7.26295,49.7075],[7.26295,42.73794],[-3.46667,42.73794]]]}FundstellefrInventory created in 2008 and relying on the informations given by the CAG book series, PATRIARCHE (Ministry of Culture database) and yearly newsletter of the SAFEMM association.
Sites phéniciens à l'époque hellénistique (Proche-Orient)-Guillon 2013Elodie GUILLONsites phéniciens, époque hellénistique2023-01-25 10:102020-08-31 15:11Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-11007002794638ForschungBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[34.54645,31.66216],[34.54645,35.371845],[36.458286,35.371845],[36.458286,31.66216],[34.54645,31.66216]]]}RegionfrListed and published Phoenician sites, located in the territory of the Phoenician cities. The data have been used for a doctoral research work, on the hinterland of the Phoenician cities in the Hellenistic period, published on HAL :
HYDRΩMED Hydraulique en SicileLoup BERNARD - Sophie BOUFFIERSicile HYDRΩMED aménagements hydrauliques eau puits citerne aqueduc2023-01-25 09:422016-07-04 18:10Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-80114309295ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[12.79194,36.92561],[12.79194,37.98225],[15.27628,37.98225],[15.27628,36.92561],[12.79194,36.92561]]]}FundstellefrANR HYDRΩMED arbeitsdatenbank
Sites du Néolithique au Haut Moyen âge de la région d'Erstein-MorelCharlène MORELGéoarchéologie, Longue durée, loess, Master 22023-01-24 16:132016-09-20 12:11Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-65001491417294ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.4908876,48.360104],[7.4908876,48.443176],[7.805709,48.443176],[7.805709,48.360104],[7.4908876,48.360104]]]}FundstellefrDatabase created during a Master 2 at the University of Strasbourg under the direction of Loup BERNARD. Archaeological sites from the Neolithic to the High Middle ages in the micro-region of Erstein (Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France)
Données du cours "cartes de confiance" dispensé par Charlène MorelCharlène MORELAlsace, Carte de confiance, Cours2023-01-24 16:092018-01-31 14:51Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001491150149ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.4908876,48.363754],[7.4908876,48.43622],[7.7982802,48.43622],[7.7982802,48.363754],[7.4908876,48.363754]]]}FundstellefrDatabase created only for teaching purposes, don't use it !
Extractions minières anciennes en France - Disser 2008Luca BANCHETTI - Alexandre DISSERMétallurgie, France, mines, fer, or, argent, cuivre2023-01-24 14:472022-07-18 10:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001199789290ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.46667,42.72782],[-3.46667,49.7075],[7.26295,49.7075],[7.26295,42.72782],[-3.46667,42.72782]]]}FundstellefrInventory of mining extractions listed in the CAG in 2008. Master's thesis under the direction of L. Bernard "Development of a methodology for the dating and characterization of ancient mining works, 2008, 2 vols.
Bronzes méridionaux en rapport avec le launacien (S France, NE Espagne)Luca BANCHETTIBronzes, Premier âge du Fer, Launacien, Funéraire, Habitat, Production2023-01-24 11:402017-04-25 11:04Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-6500486909904ForschungBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.5216,40.81249],[0.5216,44.89037],[7.323871,44.89037],[7.323871,40.81249],[0.5216,40.81249]]]}FundstellefrThe inventory presents the so-called "daily" bronzes of the early Iron Age in the broad sense (including a fringe of hinterland and Catalonia) in relation to the phenomenon of the Launacien, but in all other archaeological contexts.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques du monde grec égéen - V2Luca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIERHYDRΩMED, monde grec oriental, aménagements hydrauliques, puits, citerne, latrine2023-01-24 11:362016-12-01 17:01Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-50014219218ForschungBeendetErde{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[19.471346,31.200296],[19.471346,40.721764],[29.95527,40.721764],[29.95527,31.200296],[19.471346,31.200296]]]}FundstellefrDatabase on hydraulics layouts in the Eastern Greek world (for the moment, Délos, Albania, Alexandria) as part of the HYDRΩMED project.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques du monde grec égéen - V1Luca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIERHYDRΩMED, monde grec oriental, aménagements hydrauliques, puits, citerne, latrine2023-01-24 11:322016-09-30 11:22Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-50014114113InventarIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[25.268886293,37.399850165],[25.268886117,37.399848405],[25.268885513,37.399846705],[25.268884505,37.399845132],[25.268883132,37.399843746],[25.268881447,37.399842601],[25.268879513,37.399841739],[25.268877407,37.399841196],[25.268875207,37.39984099],[25.268873,37.399841131],[25.26887087,37.399841613],[25.268868898,37.399842417],[25.268867161,37.399843512],[25.268865725,37.399844857],[25.268864646,37.399846399],[25.268863964,37.39984808],[25.268863707,37.399849835],[25.268863883,37.399851595],[25.268864487,37.399853295],[25.268865495,37.399854868],[25.268866868,37.399856254],[25.268868553,37.399857399],[25.268870487,37.399858261],[25.268872593,37.399858804],[25.268874793,37.39985901],[25.268877,37.399858869],[25.26887913,37.399858387],[25.268881102,37.399857583],[25.268882839,37.399856488],[25.268884275,37.399855143],[25.268885354,37.399853601],[25.268886036,37.39985192],[25.268886293,37.399850165]]]}FundstellefrData base of hydraulics layouts in cities of oriental greek world for the HYDRΩMED project.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques en Gaule méridionaleLuca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIERHYDRΩMED, Gaule méridionale, aménagements hydrauliques2023-01-24 11:312016-10-04 09:52Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-60014174173ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.115205,43.004166],[3.115205,43.94963],[6.250879,43.94963],[6.250879,43.004166],[3.115205,43.004166]]]}FundstellefrData base on hydraulics layouts in Southern Gaule during the first millenium BC for the HYDRΩMED project.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques en EspagneLuca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIERHYDRΩMED, Espagne, aménagements hydrauliques, citerne, canalisation2023-01-24 11:292016-10-06 17:38Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-100014130128ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-6.284502,36.52261],[-6.284502,42.18498],[4.115813,42.18498],[4.115813,36.52261],[-6.284502,36.52261]]]}FundstellefrData base on hydraulics layouts of the first millenium BC for the HYDRΩMED project.
Métallurgie du fer en Gaule méridionale - MerlanLuca BANCHETTI - Grégoire MERLANMétallurgie, Fer, Scories, Gaule Méridionale2023-01-24 11:232017-05-29 14:37Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-6500679631279ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.3155464,42.38473],[0.3155464,45.03333],[7.40429,45.03333],[7.40429,42.38473],[0.3155464,42.38473]]]}FundstellefrDatabase conducted as part of a master research on iron metallurgy in southern Gaul.
Patrimoine architectural du IIe siècle AEC au XIXe siècle EC en LozèrePhilippe JULLIENPatrimoine architectural, monument historique, circulation, production hydraulique2023-01-24 08:512020-04-01 17:35Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-11818952713InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.19389,44.23274],[3.19389,44.710094],[3.93615,44.710094],[3.93615,44.23274],[3.19389,44.23274]]]}FundstellefrBuildings protected as Historic Monuments in Lozère, France. This is an extract from the Mérimée base (circulation, production, hydraulics, Gallo-Roman, etc). Open Licence (Etalab 2.0) chronology used for the periods: Cevennes
Enceintes pré- et protohistoriques de la région de KarlsruheLoup BERNARD - Günther WIELANDEnceinte, site de hauteur, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe2023-01-23 16:372022-06-13 17:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-6500201619551BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[8.256888,48.408142],[8.256888,49.471363],[9.312014,49.471363],[9.312014,48.408142],[8.256888,48.408142]]]}FundstellefrHillforts around Karlsruhe, from the book :
Christoph Morrissey, Dieter Müller mit Beiträgen von Günther Wieland
Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Befestigungen 27. Wallanlagen im Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe
ISBN: 978-3-8062-2790-1
Sites et habitats du second âge du Fer en Suisse-CarrardLoup BERNARD - Frédéric CARRARDSuisse, Habitat, La Tène2023-01-23 16:222016-09-14 19:02Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-800449261244ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.9936,45.893696],[5.9936,47.57524],[8.248046,47.57524],[8.248046,45.893696],[5.9936,45.893696]]]}FundstellefrSchweiz (meistens Siedlungen) der Latènzeit
Sites de hauteur de l'âge du Fer en Provence-Bernard 2003Loup BERNARDAge du Fer, Provence, sites de hauteur2023-01-23 16:182016-10-19 20:44Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-725-26935195ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.409304,43.16196],[4.409304,44.32445],[6.0483003,44.32445],[6.0483003,43.16196],[4.409304,43.16196]]]}FundstellefrHillforts from southern France (départements 13 & 84)
Sites archéologiques visitables en Alsace-APRAA 2008Jean-Philippe DROUX - Loup BERNARDAlsace patrimoine archéologique visitable2023-01-23 16:162016-09-22 18:24Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-135017896428BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.7963,47.44901],[6.7963,49.13203],[8.07437,49.13203],[8.07437,47.44901],[6.7963,47.44901]]]}Fundstellefrfrom the book : "L'Archéologie en Alsace" Association pour le promotion de la recherche archéologique en Alsace : sous la dir. de Geneviève Daud, Monique Voegtlin, Christian Jeunesse, Christian Voegtlin Association pour la promotion de la recherche archéologique en Alsace, 1991 183 p.- 4 p. de pl. en coul. , ill. , 30 cm. Cahiers de l'Association pour la promotion de la recherche archéologique en Alsace.
Extrait de l'inventaire archéologique Südbaden-ADAB-2011Jean-Philippe DROUX - Erich LIEBInventaire archéologique2023-01-23 16:052018-03-25 16:37Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-3000000199915941590InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.52372,47.536907],[7.52372,48.254818],[8.402606,48.254818],[8.402606,47.536907],[7.52372,47.536907]]]}FundstellefrIn summer 2009, around 170,000 archaeological, architectural and art history objects were entered in the ADABweb database. The level of coverage varies in the individual districts. The cultural monuments are combined with data from the Automatic Real Estate Map, topographic maps in various scales, state-wide orthophotos from the State Survey, the so-called Urnummernkarten, i.e. the first cadastral maps from the 19th century, which are currently being digitised. External data sources can also be integrated and visualised via WMS/WFS. In addition, more than 40,000 digitised plans and building ground plans from the plan archive of the Monument Preservation Department can be searched digitally. Since February 2009, the images from the aerial photo archive of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments have been successively digitised and made directly accessible in the context of the respective object. The results of archaeological excavations (excavation plans) are gradually being integrated. The whereabouts of the finds in the Central Find Archive Rastatt (ZFA) are verified by combining two databases - Esslingen (LAD) and Rastatt (ZFA) - in ADABweb.
Patrimoine industriel du XVe au XXe siècle EC dans les CévennesPhilippe JULLIENPatrimoine industriel2023-01-23 15:572020-12-11 10:09Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.014001950113InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.55313,44.2355],[3.55313,44.42648],[3.92454,44.42648],[3.92454,44.2355],[3.55313,44.2355]]]}FundstellefrArkeoGIS formatting of the first level information of Architectures records of Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel d'Occitanie.
Extrait de l'inventaire archéologique Nordbaden- ADAB-2011Jean-Philippe DROUX - Erich LIEBInventaire archéologique ADAB Nord2023-01-23 15:222018-03-24 12:47Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-3000000201641664159InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.715161,48.21684],[7.715161,49.61111],[9.047302,49.61111],[9.047302,48.21684],[7.715161,48.21684]]]}FundstellefrIn summer 2009, around 170,000 archaeological, architectural and art history objects were entered in the ADABweb database. The level of coverage varies in the individual districts. The cultural monuments are combined with data from the Automatic Real Estate Map, topographic maps in various scales, state-wide orthophotos from the State Survey, the so-called Urnummernkarten, i.e. the first cadastral maps from the 19th century, which are currently being digitised. External data sources can also be integrated and visualised via WMS/WFS. In addition, more than 40,000 digitised plans and building ground plans from the plan archive of the Monument Preservation Department can be searched digitally. Since February 2009, the images from the aerial photo archive of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments have been successively digitised and made directly accessible in the context of the respective object. The results of archaeological excavations (excavation plans) are gradually being integrated. The whereabouts of the finds in the Central Find Archive Rastatt (ZFA) are verified by combining two databases - Esslingen (LAD) and Rastatt (ZFA) - in ADABweb.
Sites d'habitats et funéraires dans la vallée du Rhin-Schmid Merkl 2012Lizzie SCHOLTUS - Christiane SCHMID-MERKLArchéologie, habitat, funéraire, vallée du rhin2023-01-23 11:032016-10-19 12:43Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-650079925981757ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.432458,47.979404],[7.432458,49.213627],[8.515953,49.213627],[8.515953,47.979404],[7.432458,47.979404]]]}FundstellefrSettlement and burial sites in the Rhine Valley.
Epaves d'embarcations du Ve AEC au XIXe EC en Europe, Afrique et OrientPhilippe JULLIENépaves, bateau-tombe, fret, chargement, mer lac et rivière2023-01-09 07:462016-09-06 17:32Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1800180833141882InventarIn ArbeitHohe see{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-16,15.515063],[-16,67.094533],[69.116571,67.094533],[69.116571,15.515063],[-16,15.515063]]]}FundstellefrUpdated with current 2020 information. Cargo details are added where quoted. Cargo dates are defined as ship dates unless otherwise stated.
ArkeoGIS format of the first level information a subject prepared by the Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations, following the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. Extract from the Shipwrecks Inventory AD 1-1500, Status 2008_.
Shipwrecks found in the Mediterranean Sea and on the coasts, as well as inland in lakes and rivers in Europe and North Africa.
Chronology used: Gregorian calendar.
Objets d'instrumentum en Gaule de l'Est, IIIe s. av. - IVe s. apr. J.-C.Lizzie SCHOLTUSInstrumentum, petit mobilier, Gaule, Gaulois, Romains, Leuques, Médiomatriques, Trévires, Séquanes, Rauraques2022-12-14 13:362022-12-14 13:14Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-800986309182418ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.91957,46.23188],[4.91957,50.4397],[9.027778,50.4397],[9.027778,46.23188],[4.91957,46.23188]]]}ObjektfrThis database contains the data used in a thesis entitled "Les faciès culturels dans l'est de la Gaule entre le IIIe s. av. J.-C. et le IVe s. apr. J.-C. : essai de modélisation" This is an inventory of small-scale furniture in the territories of eastern Gaul, sometimes with details of the discovery sites.
Tombes à armes laténiennes du nord de la Gaule (IIe av. - Période Aug.)Lucas VIELLARDArmes, Funéraire, Age du fer2022-12-07 14:442022-12-07 14:44Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-260-263130ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[1.1428248,48.7309406],[1.1428248,49.7133232],[7.708107,49.7133232],[7.708107,48.7309406],[1.1428248,48.7309406]]]}Fundstellefrto define
Fibules de Nauheim en Gaule de l'Est - ARTEFACTSLizzie SCHOLTUS - Michel FEUGÈREFibules, Nauheim, Gaule de l'Est2022-10-06 11:462017-04-05 17:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-150-265453ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.73842,47.14346],[5.73842,50.18274],[7.71468,50.18274],[7.71468,47.14346],[5.73842,47.14346]]]}ObjektfrNauheim fibulae from the project in estern Gaul
Ita Yemoo - Nigeria - testVincent HIRIBARRENPavements, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Yoruba2022-09-30 17:142022-09-30 17:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt6059ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.564167,7.473167],[4.564167,7.496417],[4.569528,7.496417],[4.569528,7.473167],[4.564167,7.473167]]]}FundstellefrTest map for mapping project of Ile-Ife pavements
Objets et parures lapidaires amérindiens en Antilles - PACEAAlain QUEFFELEC - Jean-Baptiste CAVERNEAntilles, Caraïbe, Parures, Perles, Matières premières, Archéométrie2022-07-17 16:382020-04-06 19:18Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt81288127ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.8,2.246573],[-77.8,24.09849],[-51.641553,24.09849],[-51.641553,2.246573],[-77.8,2.246573]]]}ObjektfrThis database consolidates the work carried out by the PCR PAAF. It contains the inventory of saladoid ornaments from the French West Indies, as well as data from the literature, for the other islands of the Caribbean. It aims to bring together all the data from the Caribbean Arc and the North-East of South America.
La Cappadoce rupestre du Ve siècle AEC au Xe siècle EC-Lamesa 2016Anaïs LAMESACappadoce, Rupestre, Médiéval, Antique, Église, Tombeau, Turquie2022-05-29 15:092022-05-29 15:09Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-75314535352ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[34.133186,38.254025],[34.133186,38.726837],[35.062767,38.726837],[35.062767,38.254025],[34.133186,38.254025]]]}FundstellefrThis database is the result of a Ph-D work carried out between 2007 and 2016 on the rock-cut monuments located in the region of Cappadocia (Turkey). The monuments were placed according to the sites from the data collected in the inventories and from surveys carried out by the author of this database. This database is a support for a reflection on the sacred landscape in Cappadocia.

The method of my Ph-D crossed archaeology and history.
In the 1980s, questioning the existence of specific Cappadocian material culture, X. de Planhol already raised the contradictions between results of Cappadocian studies and sources. In fact, the current region of Cappadocia seems to be “provincial”. Dependent on more powerful Empires, this region doesn’t seem to develop its own architectural traditions and its own material cultures but having rock-cut monuments. However, in some medieval sources, Cappadocians are described like Troglodyte and are distinguished from their Anatolian neighbours. To understand this shift, two methodological approaches were conducted. The first one is historical and proposes to study literary representations of Cappadocia and Cappadocians between the 5th century BC and the 10th century AD. The second approach is archaeological and allows understanding the process of making a rock-cut monument between the 3rd century BC and the 10th century AD. Both highlight the slow cultural construction explaining mentions of rock-cut crafting in the 10th century AD only.

The uploading of this inventory to the ArkeoGIS platform constitutes the provision of the raw data collected during this PhD work.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques en Italie du NordSophie BOUFFIER - Arianna GUZZONHYDRΩMED, hydraulique, romaine, Italie du Nord2022-05-25 14:252022-05-25 14:16Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-1755998685ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.0539789,43.7917623],[7.0539789,45.7370885],[10.030189,45.7370885],[10.030189,43.7917623],[7.0539789,43.7917623]]]}FundstellefrInventory of Roman hydraulic works in Northern Italy carried out within the framework of the HYDRΩMED project
Sites archéologiques cartographiés à grande échelle - CHRONOCARTOLoup BERNARD - Christophe BATARDY - Michel DABASgrande échelle, cartographie de sites, magnétisme, photo aérienne, plan de sites2022-04-25 15:052022-04-25 15:05Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-6207991413ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.072704367,42.0055281],[-0.072704367,49.2726594],[21.186736269,49.2726594],[21.186736269,42.0055281],[-0.072704367,42.0055281]]]}FundstellefrChronocarto is now a collaborative tool open to the whole scientific community, upon request after advice from the editorial board. It currently supports several online Web-GIS projects under password protection. Some projects are already open to the public.
The purpose of this portal is to promote the harvesting of data through the development of multimedia management, search engines and spatial mapping of these data. The aim is to make them easily searchable and to optimize a simple vision of all the documentation, wherever it is stored on the net. It therefore refers both to the Chronocarto Web GIS, distinguishing projects according to their scale, and to the databases from which the data are extracted, as well as to complementary tools made available by AOrOc (Laboratoire d'Archéologie et de philologie d'Orient et d'Occident, UMR8546 CNRS-ENS-EPHE-PSL).
Patrimoine archéologiques du VIIe siècle AEC au XXI siècle EC en SicilePhilippe JULLIENPatrimoine2022-03-29 08:552022-03-29 08:20Creative Commons / Paternité / CC BY 4.0-650202215072InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[13.345,37.051574],[13.345,38.122708],[15.293898,38.122708],[15.293898,37.051574],[13.345,37.051574]]]}FundstellefrThe source of this dataset is a subject prepared by the Sicilian Region with the collaboration of the University of Palermo, Laboratory of Ancient Topography - Department of Archaeology.
Sanctuaires gallo-romains de la citée des Lémovices (Creuse, Corrèze)Lizzie SCHOLTUS - Ilda MATA - Mylène FERRÉSanctuaires, Gallo-Romain, Lémovices2022-03-21 15:072022-03-10 14:04Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001789802268ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.66667,45.00971],[0.66667,46.441956],[2.5594122,46.441956],[2.5594122,45.00971],[0.66667,45.00971]]]}RegionfrThis database is from the master 1 work of Mylène Ferré in 2021. It is an inventory of arcaheological sites in the Lémovices territory (Creuse and Corrèze) interpreted as sanctuaries.
"Schwerter", épées de l'âge du Bronze en Europe-HahnekampMohammed BENKHALIDSchwerter, épées, Âge de Bronze, Hallstatt C, contextes, sites, Europe2022-03-08 15:262022-03-08 15:26Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-2200-57617631762ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-8.1900664,35.1565474],[-8.1900664,61.2253646],[28.5958333,61.2253646],[28.5958333,35.1565474],[-8.1900664,35.1565474]]]}ObjektfrDie Datenbankanwendung „Bronze- und urnenfelderzeitliche Schwerter“ entstand im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit „Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Fundkontext bronze- und urnenfelderzeitlicher Schwerter in Ostfrankreich und Süddeutschland“ von Christine Hahnekamp, am Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Wien.

Gegenstand sind Untersuchungen zu Fundumständen der bronze- und urnenfelderzeitlichen Schwerter in Ostfrankreich und Süddeutschland. Die Grenzen des Arbeitsgebietes wurden bei der Materialaufnahme überschritten, um die Verbreitung von bestimmten Schwerttypen genauer verfolgen zu können. Dabei sind über 1800 Datensätze von Schwertern bzw. Schwertbruchstücken in einer Datenbank gesammelt und auf deren Verbreitung und deren Fundkontexte untersucht worden.

Diplomarbeitsbetreuer: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trnka (stv. Institutvorstand, Universität Wien, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte). Unterstützung aus Frankreich: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wirth (Professeur de Protohistoire européenne, Université de Bourgogne, UFR Sciences Humaines et UMR 5594 ARTeHIS)

Das Datenmodell der Webapplikation entstand im Rahmen der Übung „Datenbanken für Archäologen“ (Kurt Schaller, WS 2009/10) am IKA, Universität Wien, für die technische Umsetzung und das funktional radikal reduzierte User Interface ist Jakob Egger (CHC, Universität Salzburg) verantwortlich.

Konzept der Webanwendung: Wissenschaftliche Daten sollen mit möglichst geringem organisatorischen und finanziellen Aufwand nachhaltig publiziert werden. Die nötigen Ressourcen wurden von CHC – Research Group for Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing, Universität Salzburg, zur Verfügung gestellt.
Sites et indices de sites Paléolithiques d'Alsace-PALEOELS 2017Jean-Philippe DROUX - Patrice WUSCHERSites, indices, Paléolithique, Alsace2022-03-04 13:002018-01-22 17:57Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-3000000-9601148147ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.9775057,47.455387],[6.9775057,49.0293],[8.17846,49.0293],[8.17846,47.455387],[6.9775057,47.455387]]]}FundstellefrInventory of Paleolithic sites (thus without the Mesolithic for the moment) recently revised and updated within the framework of the PCR "Le Paléolithique et le Mésolithique de la Plaine d'Alsace et des collines sous-vosgiennes. Reprises des données existantes, pistes pour détecter les sites et approches territoriales" directed by Patrice Wuscher
Mesures 14C du niveau marin méditerrannéen- Vacchi/MedMaxLoup BERNARD - Matteo VACCHIradiocarbon dated Relative Sea-Level (RSL), Datation 14C, niveau marin, Méditerrannée2022-03-03 11:412016-12-21 15:34Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt649648ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.44,33.29],[-0.44,45.79],[18.46,45.79],[18.46,33.29],[-0.44,33.29]]]}FundstellefrThe first quality-controlled database concerning the Holocene sea-level histories along the Spanish, French, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, Maltese and Tunisian coasts. In the framework of the MedMax project, we completed the review of 909 radiocarbon dated Relative Sea-Level (RSL) data-points along the western Mediterranean coast.
Habitats ruraux du HAD2/LTC1 dans la vallée du Rhin supérieurCharlène MOREL - Muriel ROTH-ZEHNERAlsace, Habitats ruraux, Age du Fer2022-03-03 11:292016-09-23 16:59Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-620-201289288ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.266667,47.633333],[7.266667,48.9],[8.016667,48.9],[8.016667,47.633333],[7.266667,47.633333]]]}FundstellefrMuriel Roth-Zehner's database displaying the settlements in the Rhine valley between the Hallstatt D2 and the La Tène C1 periods.
Archéométallurgie des bronzes hallstattiens dans le Rhin supérieurLaurie CORMIERBronze, Archéométallurgie, Composition élémentaire, Parure annulaire2022-03-03 11:272016-11-18 21:24Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-725-461142141ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.282094,47.677924],[7.282094,48.86005885],[8.1110878,48.86005885],[8.1110878,47.677924],[7.282094,47.677924]]]}ObjektfrThis database is issued from a two-years post-doctorat which started in October 2014, financed by the F. Thyssen foundation and hosted by the RP Stuttgart, on the Early Iron Age bronze archaeometallurgy in the Upper Rhine Valley. The elementary composition of 64 regional ring ornaments and 3 metallurgical remains has been conducted in collaboration with B. Mille, in the C2RMF, using the PIXE method. The results of this study have been published in the following article: L. Tremblay Cormier / B. Mille, Étude archéométallurgique de parures hallstattiennes en alliage cuivreux du Rhin supérieur. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 2016, 113/4, 785-808.
Habitat du Néolithique à l'âge du Fer Sud du Rhin supérieur-MischkaLizzie SCHOLTUS - Doris MISCHKAHabitat, Néolithique, âge du Fer, Fribourg, Rhin supérieur, Allemagne2022-03-03 11:222016-11-30 23:53Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-6500178926051451ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.525752891,47.55],[7.525752891,48.234062185],[7.981136043,48.234062185],[7.981136043,47.55],[7.525752891,47.55]]]}FundstellefrDataset based on the thesis of Doris MISCHKA, 2007 : "Methodische Aspekte zur Rekonstruktion prähistorischer Siedlungsmuster : Landschaftsgenese vom Ende des Neolithikums bis zur Eisenzeit im Gebiet des südlichen Oberrheins".
Sites romains et médiévaux autour de Freiburg, Allemagne - GillichLizzie SCHOLTUS - Antje GILLICHImmobilier, mobilier, analyses, romain, médiéval, Freiburg, Allemagne2022-03-03 11:182017-02-05 16:53Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-6500170022602182BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.554226,47.63323],[7.554226,48.206318],[8.90752,48.206318],[8.90752,47.63323],[7.554226,47.63323]]]}FundstellefrFreiburg mit ihrer landschaftsarchäologischen Dissertation zum Thema Besiedlungswandel im südlichen Oberrheingebiet von der Römerzeit bis zum Mittelalter
Lead isotopes in Crete (bronze age) - part of OXALIDQuentin DRILLAT - Zofia STOS-GALEOxford Archaeological Lead Isotope Database, Aegean Bronze Age, Bronze Age Crete, Crete, Archaeometry, Archaeometallurgy2022-03-03 11:052017-05-04 19:01Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-3000330671670ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[24.02921,34.93248],[24.02921,35.51124],[26.26204,35.51124],[26.26204,34.93248],[24.02921,34.93248]]]}FundstellefrArkeoGis format of an extract from the OXALID database on the analyses conducted in Crete (Greece)
Arkeogis v4_Arbres_remarquables_Loup_BernardLuca BANCHETTItest, métadonnées en cours de complétion2022-03-03 11:002017-05-22 17:59Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt6362InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.459288,43.742435],[5.459288,45.009995],[6.375898,45.009995],[6.375898,43.742435],[5.459288,43.742435]]]}Objektfrtest, métadonnées en cours de complétion
Dendrochronologies de référence dans les Alpes françaises-ShindoLisa SHINDODendrochronologie, Datation, Référentiels, Alpes, Arbres, Mélèze, Epicea, Sapin, Pin sylvestre, Pin cembro2022-03-03 10:512016-12-23 17:07Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.09332010147146ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.118611,43.316666],[5.118611,45.96472],[7.641111,45.96472],[7.641111,43.316666],[5.118611,43.316666]]]}MikroregionfrFrench Alps masters chronologies, various dendrochronological researchers
Dendrochronologies médiévales dans le sud des Alpes françaises - ShindoLisa SHINDO - Loup BERNARDdendrochronologie, Alpes, bâti, datation2022-03-03 10:502017-01-18 17:06Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.086519705049ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.093061,43.81816],[6.093061,45.002934],[6.755406,45.002934],[6.755406,43.81816],[6.093061,43.81816]]]}FundstellefrSites studied with dendrochronology during Lisa SHINDO's PhD, in the Southern French Alps.
Dendrochronologies sites bâtis dans le sud des Alpes françaises-EdouardLisa SHINDO - Jean-Louis EDOUARDDendrochronologie, Datation, Bâti, Alpes, Arbres, Mélèze, Pin cembro2022-03-03 10:482017-01-09 17:10Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.075119912726ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.448611,44.146667],[6.448611,45.061943],[6.863889,45.061943],[6.863889,44.146667],[6.448611,44.146667]]]}FundstellefrDendrochronology studies of buildings in the Southern French Alps
Logs et analyses de sols en Alsace-Schneider 2013Charlène MOREL - Nathalie SCHNEIDERSols, Analyses, Formations superficielles2022-03-02 17:302016-09-21 20:04Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65002016120119ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.234722,47.57611],[7.234722,49.038333],[8.107778,49.038333],[8.107778,47.57611],[7.234722,47.57611]]]}FundstellefrBase de travail de N. Schneider listant logs et analyses réalisées dans le cadre de l'INRAP et de l'UMR LIVE
Analyses de sols et de formations superficielles dans le Grand Est-ALISACharlène MOREL - Martine TRAUTMANNAnalyses, Sols, Formations Superficielles2022-03-02 17:282016-09-21 20:00Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt438247ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.7488862,47.23722222],[5.7488862,49.48582963],[8.17722222,49.48582963],[8.17722222,47.23722222],[5.7488862,47.23722222]]]}FundstellefrSoils and surface geological analysis by Martine Trautmann from EOST, UMS830, CNRS/UdS.
Sources de matière première pour les parures amérindiennes en AntillesAlain QUEFFELECLithique, matière première, amérindien, période céramique, parure, perle2022-03-02 16:122019-01-08 15:46Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt6867InventarIn ArbeitErde{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-117.5,-29.690403],[-117.5,40.611946],[-39.602077,40.611946],[-39.602077,-29.690403],[-117.5,-29.690403]]]}FundstellefrPotential gites as raw material of beads and pendants for the Amerindians of the Antilles
Analyses physiquo-chimiques âge du Bronze-(Europe-Afrique)-Extrait OXALIDLoup BERNARD - Zofia STOS-GALEAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology), Archaeometry, and Archaeolmetallurgy.2022-03-02 16:022017-03-08 17:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-8000399380376ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.1,-9.71338],[3.1,45.2689],[46.10551,45.2689],[46.10551,-9.71338],[3.1,-9.71338]]]}FundstellefrAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology), Archaeometry, and Archaeolmetallurgy. OXALID
Géomorphologie et pédo-archéologie en Lorraine-GebhardtJean-Philippe DROUX - Anne GEBHARDTGeomorphologie, Pédo-archéologie, Micromorphologie des sols. Archéologie préventive, recherche programmée. Dynamique des Paysages agraires holocène2022-03-02 15:512017-07-11 17:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-30000002016118115ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.54135,47.370815],[4.54135,49.7935],[8.04164,49.7935],[8.04164,47.370815],[4.54135,47.370815]]]}FundstellefrGeomorphology, pedo-archaeology, soil micromorphology in Lorraine. Preventive archaeology, programmed research. Dynamics of Holocene Agrarian Landscapes
Banadora-FranceMohammed BENKHALIDArchéologie, Préhistoire, Centre de Datation par le RadioCarbone, carbone 14.2022-02-25 13:352021-03-08 15:31Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-7998460207073217187ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-139.066666667,-9.833333333],[-139.066666667,61.6],[102.916666667,61.6],[102.916666667,-9.833333333],[-139.066666667,-9.833333333]]]}FundstellefrDatabase of radiocarbon dated elements.
Atlas des Sites préhistoriques du Proche-Orient (ASPRO)Jean-Philippe DROUXAtlas des Sites du Proche-Orient (ASPRO), Epipaléolithique, Néolithique, Chalcolithique2022-02-23 16:222016-10-04 19:24Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-16300-420132381783ForschungIn ArbeitErde{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[29.783109,24.542962],[29.783109,41.221302],[59.83282,41.221302],[59.83282,24.542962],[29.783109,24.542962]]]}FundstellefrASPRO is a database including about 2000 Near East archeological sites occupied between 16 000 and 4 200 BC.
Lead Isotopes bronze age in Egypt-part of OXALIDJean-Philippe DROUX - Zofia STOS-GALELead isotope, Bronze Age, Egypt, Gold, Silver2022-02-22 17:362017-03-31 17:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-8000-2706968ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[30.68023,18.53],[30.68023,30.86],[32.8,30.86],[32.8,18.53],[30.68023,18.53]]]}FundstellefrOxford Archaeological Lead Isotope Database
Extrait de l'"European Pollen database" (EPD)Jean-Philippe DROUX - Michelle LEYDETPollens fossiles, analyses, carbone 142022-02-22 14:372017-04-04 12:52Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt23291485ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.348333,35.683334],[-10.348333,54.216667],[36.61667,54.216667],[36.61667,35.683334],[-10.348333,35.683334]]]}FundstellefrFossil pollens, analyses, carbon 14. IMPORT IN PROGRESS. Source :
Inscriptions protohistoriques d'Ensérune (Gaule du sud)Mohammed BENKHALID - Coline RUIZ DARASSEInscriptions, écriture ibérique, alphabet latin, Ensérune, écriture, âge du Fer, Midi gaulois.2022-02-11 16:342022-02-08 16:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-575300884883ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-1.363076763,-21.09],[-1.363076763,43.3105417],[145.5588,43.3105417],[145.5588,-21.09],[-1.363076763,-21.09]]]}ObjektfrThese data are now obsolete, so please refer to the publication Ruiz Darasse Coline, 2024, Écrire à Ensérune. Étude des inscriptions retrouvées sur l'oppidum (IVe a.C. - Ier p.C.), Montpellier, Presses Universitaires de La Méditerranée (coll. "Mondes anciens"), pending a new deposit.
This database, the result of PhD work carried out between 2005 and 2011 on inscriptions in Iberian script at Ensérune, has been completed by processing all the inscriptions present in the inventories of the Ensérune oppidum, excavated between 1915 and 1965 and more occasionally afterwards. The inscriptions were placed on the site on the basis of the data contained in the archival documents and inventories. This database serves as a basis for reflection on the use of writing in recent Protohistory in southern Gaul.
Inscriptions protohistoriques d'Ensérune (Gaule du sud) hors stratigraphieMohammed BENKHALID - Coline RUIZ DARASSEInscriptions, écriture ibérique, alphabet latin, Ensérune, écriture, âge du Fer, Midi gaulois.2022-02-10 14:522022-02-10 14:09Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-575150427426ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.127062327,43.289609986],[3.127062086,43.28960823],[3.127061381,43.289606541],[3.127060239,43.289604986],[3.127058703,43.289603623],[3.127056833,43.289602505],[3.1270547,43.289601676],[3.127052386,43.289601166],[3.127049981,43.289600995],[3.127047577,43.289601171],[3.127045265,43.289601686],[3.127043136,43.289602521],[3.12704127,43.289603642],[3.12703974,43.289605009],[3.127038604,43.289606567],[3.127037906,43.289608257],[3.127037673,43.289610014],[3.127037914,43.28961177],[3.127038619,43.289613459],[3.127039761,43.289615014],[3.127041297,43.289616377],[3.127043167,43.289617495],[3.1270453,43.289618324],[3.127047614,43.289618834],[3.127050019,43.289619005],[3.127052423,43.289618829],[3.127054735,43.289618314],[3.127056864,43.289617479],[3.12705873,43.289616358],[3.12706026,43.289614991],[3.127061396,43.289613433],[3.127062094,43.289611743],[3.127062327,43.289609986]]]}ObjektfrThese data are now obsolete, so please refer to the publication Ruiz Darasse Coline, 2024, Écrire à Ensérune. Étude des inscriptions retrouvées sur l'oppidum (IVe a.C. - Ier p.C.), Montpellier, Presses Universitaires de La Méditerranée (coll. "Mondes anciens"), pending a new deposit.
This database, the result of PhD work carried out between 2005 and 2011 on inscriptions in Iberian script at Ensérune, has been completed by processing all the inscriptions present in the inventories of the Ensérune oppidum, excavated between 1915 and 1965 and more occasionally afterwards. The inscriptions were placed on the site on the basis of the data contained in the archival documents and inventories. This database serves as a basis for reflection on the use of writing in recent Protohistory in southern Gaul.
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques à TiddisSophie BOUFFIER - Mohammed BENKHALID - Yani AIDALIHydraulique, citernes, gestion de l'eau, réservoirs, Castellum Tidditanorum, Immobilier, Constantine, Algérie.2022-01-27 15:422022-01-27 15:42Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-800unbestimmt9998InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.4807,36.4604],[6.4807,36.46392],[6.4852333,36.46392],[6.4852333,36.4604],[6.4807,36.4604]]]}FundstellefrPreliminary database of the hydraulic installations of the ancient city of Castellum Tidditanorum (Tiddis), in Algeria. This work is part of a Master in Archaeology at Aix-Marseille University.
Vestiges de la colonie romaine de Valence (France) - Gilles 2016Mohammed BENKHALID - Amaury GILLESTrace, Artisanat, Valence, Colonie romaine, Modèle de peuplement, Archéologie du paysage, Poterie romaine, Petites trouvailles romaines, Archéologie romaine, Économie2021-12-13 16:192021-12-13 16:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-8001789415413ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.272706,44.64819],[4.272706,45.068049],[5.217209,45.068049],[5.217209,44.64819],[4.272706,44.64819]]]}ObjektfrDuring Antiquity, Valence enjoyed the prestigious status of a Roman colony and occupied a strategic position at the heart of the middle Rhone valley. This dataset, the result of a PhD Thesis, brings together abundant and varied data (architectural remains, ceramic tableware, small furniture, craft scraps, etc.). These objects discovered during prospecting and excavations document multiple aspects of daily life...
Sites cultuels romains du Rhin supérieur-KelhetterJean-Philippe DROUX - Laurence KELHETTERTemples et mobilier religieux, Empire romain2021-10-06 17:002020-04-21 14:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-550449313143ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.866085,47.50686],[6.866085,49.47307],[9.64398,49.47307],[9.64398,47.50686],[6.866085,47.50686]]]}FundstellefrStudy of the religious landscape of the Upper Rhine in the Roman period - PIR Laurence KELHETTER 2020
Mausolées associés aux Villae romaines d'Aix, Arles et MarseilleMarcello TURCI - Philippe LEVEAU - Nicolas BERNIGAUDMausolées, villae romaines, funéraire, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Marseille2021-04-29 22:392021-04-29 22:36Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1186003837ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.751101116,43.127094987],[4.751101116,43.871943088],[6.091321251,43.871943088],[6.091321251,43.127094987],[4.751101116,43.127094987]]]}FundstellefrMausoleums associated with the owners of the Villas in the territories of Aix-en-Provence, Arles and Marseille. This database was developed jointly with "Inscriptions associées aux Villae romaines d'Aix, Arles et Marseille" and "Villae romaines d'Aix-en-Provence, Arles et Marseille" by Ph. Leveau to prepare the article
"Villas résidentielles, villas productives et économie domaniale sur les territoires des cités romaines d’Arles, Aix et Marseille »
to be published in RAN.
Inscriptions associées aux Villae romaines d'Aix, Arles et MarseilleMarcello TURCI - Philippe LEVEAU - Nicolas BERNIGAUDInscriptions, villae romaines, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Marseille2021-04-29 22:142021-04-29 19:53Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-25601127126ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.429040822,43.120377725],[4.429040822,43.881956218],[6.169162791,43.881956218],[6.169162791,43.120377725],[4.429040822,43.120377725]]]}FundstellefrInventory of inscriptions belonging to families owning villas in the territories of Arles, Aix-en-Provence and Marseille
Villae romaines d'Aix-en-Provence, Arles et MarseilleMarcello TURCI - Philippe LEVEAU - Nicolas BERNIGAUDvilla, villa résidentielle, villa productive, AIx, Arles, Marseille, époque romaine2021-04-29 19:432021-04-29 19:31Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-118600409408ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.511787535,43.011222539],[4.511787535,44.103351488],[6.647924554,44.103351488],[6.647924554,43.011222539],[4.511787535,43.011222539]]]}FundstellefrThis database was developed jointly with "Inscriptions_villae_Aix_Marseille_Arles" and "Mausolea_villae_Arles_Aix_Marseille" by Ph. Leveau to prepare the article
"Residential villas, productive villas and state economy on the territories of the Roman cities of Arles, Aix and Marseille".
Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 2021-2022, n°54-55, pp.475-546
Villae romaines du sud de la France (Provence et Languedoc)Nicolas BERNIGAUD - Marcello TURCI - Loup BERNARDVillae, possible villae, établissements ruraux de type villa, époque romaine, Provence, Languedoc2021-04-29 11:012020-09-01 14:40Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-16360015831582ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.8325,42.666408488],[0.8325,44.869941484],[7.390404298,44.869941484],[7.390404298,42.666408488],[0.8325,42.666408488]]]}LandfrSynthetic table of the villae and villa-type establishments of the Roman period in the South of France for non-specialist modelers
Patrimoine architectural funéraire du Néolithique au Moyen âge en FranceJean-Philippe DROUXPatrimoine architectural, monument historique classé, funéraire, nécropole, tumulus2021-04-07 15:202021-04-07 15:20Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-65001491275274InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-4.683836696,42.105910506],[-4.683836696,50.587733214],[9.495645512,50.587733214],[9.495645512,42.105910506],[-4.683836696,42.105910506]]]}FundstellefrFunerary buildings protected as Historic Monuments in France. This is an extract from the Mérimée database ( All sites dating from after 1600 and "simple" cemeteries have been excluded from this extract.
Enceintes de l'âge du Fer du sud de la France - Projet RD-MEDMarcello TURCI - Nicolas BERNIGAUD - Delphine ISOARDI - Loup BERNARDEnceintes, Age du Fer, Oppidum, Provence, Languedoc2020-09-03 14:212020-09-01 11:25Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-124913927926ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.7303798,43.04573],[2.7303798,44.315512225],[7.536124805,44.315512225],[7.536124805,43.04573],[2.7303798,43.04573]]]}FundstellefrSynthetic table of Hillforts from the Iron Age in the South of France for non-specialist modelers.
Villes et habitats antiques du sud de la France - Projet RD-MEDLoup BERNARD - Nicolas BERNIGAUD - Marcello TURCIChef lieu, ville, relais routièrs, Antiquité, Provence, Languedoc2020-09-01 16:112020-09-01 15:49Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-7501491127126ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.8325,42.46495],[0.8325,45.37169],[7.276250099,45.37169],[7.276250099,42.46495],[0.8325,42.46495]]]}FundstellefrSynthesis table of the main cities, towns, road relays of Antiquity in the South of France for non-specialist modellers.
Villae romaines remarquables du sud de la France - Ouzoulias 2015Marcello TURCI - Nicolas BERNIGAUDVillae, époque romain, Provence, Languedoc, caractère exceptionnel2020-09-01 14:182020-09-01 14:02Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1186008988InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.987341035,42.666408488],[0.987341035,44.566384657],[7.000247916,44.566384657],[7.000247916,42.666408488],[0.987341035,42.666408488]]]}FundstellefrSynthetic table of the great villae of the Roman period in the South of France for non-specialized modellers.
Habitats et enceintes de l'âge du fer en Provence - IsoardiLuca BANCHETTI - Axel CAUVIN - Delphine ISOARDI - Jean-Philippe DROUX - Loup BERNARDHabitat, enceinte, Alpes du sud, Provence, âge du Fer, Protohistoire2020-02-07 17:012019-01-24 11:18Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-21001319431462ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.467347,43.093062],[4.467347,45.051091],[7.55413,45.051091],[7.55413,43.093062],[4.467347,43.093062]]]}FundstellefrDatabase produced for the 42nd international colloquium of the Association Française pour l'Etude de l'Age du Fer, in Prague "Unity and diversity of the Celtic world" (May 2018); and in connection with the following collective talk and article:
BANCHETTI (L.), BERNARD (L.), CAUVIN (A.), ISOARDI (D.) - Provence protohistorique : chimère historiographique ou réalité archéologique ? In: PIERREVELCIN (P.), KYSELA (J.), FICHTL (St.) eds - Unity and diversity of the Celtic world, Proceedings of the 42nd international colloquium of the AFEAF. Paris, AFEAF/Prague, Charles University, 2022.
Sites cultuels de l'âge du fer en Provence - IsoardiLuca BANCHETTI - Axel CAUVIN - Delphine ISOARDI - Jean-Philippe DROUX - Loup BERNARDCulte, sites, âge du Fer, Alpes du sud, Provence, Protohistoire2020-01-31 10:482019-01-24 19:07Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-12501312280ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.6575199,43.120541],[4.6575199,44.240968],[7.139131,44.240968],[7.139131,43.120541],[4.6575199,43.120541]]]}FundstellefrDatabase produced for the 42nd international colloquium of the Association Française pour l'Etude de l'Age du Fer, in Prague "Unity and diversity of the Celtic world" (May 2018); and in connection with the following collective talk and article:
BANCHETTI (L.), BERNARD (L.), CAUVIN (A.), ISOARDI (D.) - Provence protohistorique : chimère historiographique ou réalité archéologique ? In: PIERREVELCIN (P.), KYSELA (J.), FICHTL (St.) eds - Unity and diversity of the Celtic world, Proceedings of the 42nd international colloquium of the AFEAF. Paris, Prague, 2020.
Sites fortifiés et de hauteur pré- et protohistoriques du Jura-APRAGEJean-Baptiste CAVERNEEnceinte, éperon barré, Néolithique, Protohistoire2020-01-23 21:412019-02-04 21:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-4500-269291InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.300174,45.744063],[5.300174,47.817264],[8.233649,47.817264],[8.233649,45.744063],[5.300174,45.744063]]]}FundstellefrDistribution of pre-and protohistoric fortified and high sites in the Jura massif and its surroundings
Sites funéraires de l'âge du fer en Provence - IsoardiLuca BANCHETTI - Axel CAUVIN - Delphine ISOARDI - Jean-Philippe DROUX - Loup BERNARDFunéraire, tombes, nécropoles, sépultures, âge du Fer, Alpes du sud, Provence, Protohistoire2020-01-21 11:222019-01-24 16:01Etatlab LICENCE OUVERTE / OPEN LICENCE 2.0-210013525512ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.6277768,43.120541],[4.6277768,45.045842],[7.323877,45.045842],[7.323877,43.120541],[4.6277768,43.120541]]]}FundstellefrDatabase produced for the 42nd international colloquium of the Association Française pour l'Etude de l'Age du Fer, in Prague "Unity and diversity of the Celtic world" (May 2018); and in connection with the following collective talk and article:
BANCHETTI (L.), BERNARD (L.), CAUVIN (A.), ISOARDI (D.) - Provence protohistorique : chimère historiographique ou réalité archéologique ? In: PIERREVELCIN (P.), KYSELA (J.), FICHTL (St.) eds - Unity and diversity of the Celtic world, Proceedings of the 42nd international colloquium of the AFEAF. Paris, Prague, 2020.
Sites chrétiens antiques du Bas-Danube - Projet DANUBIUSJean-Philippe DROUX - Dominic MOREAUDanubius, sites chrétiens2019-11-22 16:232019-11-22 16:23Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.040011991918ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[27.541283,43.88424],[27.541283,45.270526],[29.19792,45.270526],[29.19792,43.88424],[27.541283,43.88424]]]}FundstellefrThe DANUBIUS project intends to study the Christianisation of the Lower Danube over a very long period, between the 3rd and the 8th centuries AD. That research topic has not resulted in any complete synthesis since Jacques Zeiller’s Les origines chrétiennes dans les provinces danubiennes de l’Empire romain (Paris, 1918). This project – which is the first stage of a long-term international and interdisciplinary research program – is thus reconsidering the question in the light of the scientific advances made in the last hundred years, both in terms of history and archaeology, for a better understanding of the simultaneous evolution of its ecclesiastical organisation and Christian topography. To begin with, it will focus more on the last reaches of the Danube to be lost by Constantinople, which is also the part of the river which is best documented from literary sources, viz. the Lower Danube (the Late Roman provinces of Dacia Ripensis, Moesia Secunda and Scythia). To do so, it will develop a geographic information system (GIS) model of the episcopal sees and other Christian sites, structured around three work packages (WP).
The first WP, from which come the data integrated in ArkeoGIS, foresees the compilation of an analytic database of ancient sources, as the core for the GIS model. It will bring together all the traces – both material, and written (notably inscriptions, in situ or not) – of Christianity in the region until the 8th century. This database will devote one record to each source registered, a table which will correspond to a predetermined protocol and a strict typology, and offer different possibilities for textual input (the ancient texts will be copied in their original language and not just be the subject of bibliographic references). It will be supplemented with pictures, plans, results of prospecting of all types, etc. Considering the ampleness and richness of the material to be processed, we will process first the entries for episcopal sees, episcopal groups and furniture related to the function of the bishop. This heuristic part of the project will offer an unprecedented classification of the documentation needed to address the issues of the relationship between Christianity and militarisation along the Late Roman Danube.
Sièges épiscopaux antiques du Bas-Danube - Projet DANUBIUSJean-Philippe DROUX - Dominic MOREAUDANUBIUS, Sièges épiscopaux2019-11-22 16:212019-11-22 16:21Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0169799212211ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[14.469143,34.867327],[14.469143,45.560018],[44.83368,45.560018],[44.83368,34.867327],[14.469143,34.867327]]]}FundstellefrThe DANUBIUS project intends to study the Christianisation of the Lower Danube over a very long period, between the 3rd and the 8th centuries AD. That research topic has not resulted in any complete synthesis since Jacques Zeiller’s Les origines chrétiennes dans les provinces danubiennes de l’Empire romain (Paris, 1918). This project – which is the first stage of a long-term international and interdisciplinary research program – is thus reconsidering the question in the light of the scientific advances made in the last hundred years, both in terms of history and archaeology, for a better understanding of the simultaneous evolution of its ecclesiastical organisation and Christian topography. To begin with, it will focus more on the last reaches of the Danube to be lost by Constantinople, which is also the part of the river which is best documented from literary sources, viz. the Lower Danube (the Late Roman provinces of Dacia Ripensis, Moesia Secunda and Scythia). To do so, it will develop a geographic information system (GIS) model of the episcopal sees and other Christian sites, structured around three work packages (WP).
The first WP, from which come the data integrated in ArkeoGIS, foresees the compilation of an analytic database of ancient sources, as the core for the GIS model. It will bring together all the traces – both material, and written (notably inscriptions, in situ or not) – of Christianity in the region until the 8th century. This database will devote one record to each source registered, a table which will correspond to a predetermined protocol and a strict typology, and offer different possibilities for textual input (the ancient texts will be copied in their original language and not just be the subject of bibliographic references). It will be supplemented with pictures, plans, results of prospecting of all types, etc. Considering the ampleness and richness of the material to be processed, we will process first the entries for episcopal sees, episcopal groups and furniture related to the function of the bishop. This heuristic part of the project will offer an unprecedented classification of the documentation needed to address the issues of the relationship between Christianity and militarisation along the Late Roman Danube.
Interventions archéologiques à Bibracte (2010-2018) - Bibracte NumériqueMatthieu THIVETOppida, Bibracte, intervention, age du Fer, protohistoire2019-09-17 23:282019-05-16 17:05Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-120-2018166ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.012421745,46.92143017],[4.012421745,46.957108042],[4.051515391,46.957108042],[4.051515391,46.92143017],[4.012421745,46.92143017]]]}FundstellefrDepository base for Digital Bibracte
Scories protohistoriques en Alsace-ChossonJean-Philippe DROUX - Michael CHOSSONScories, Métallurgie, Paléométallurgie, Alsace, âge du Fer2019-04-25 13:192019-04-25 13:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1350-2614711470ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.26953155,47.49678736],[7.26953155,48.8152359],[7.79395579,48.8152359],[7.79395579,47.49678736],[7.26953155,47.49678736]]]}FundstellefrDatabase from the Master's thesis "Déchets de forge en Alsace à l'âge du Fer", M. Chosson, 2018
Sites du bassin versant de l'Anapodaris (Crète), Minoen à époque romaineQuentin DRILLATSites archéologiques, bassin versant de l'Anapodaris, Messara, Crète, Grèce2019-04-18 14:292017-03-06 13:07Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-1430330190134ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[25.097230712,34.998033726],[25.097230712,35.16639491],[25.446288447,35.16639491],[25.446288447,34.998033726],[25.097230712,34.998033726]]]}FundstellefrCatalog of archaeological sites in the Anapodaris catchment (Crete, Greece) between Late Minoan II and Roman period, carried out as part of a Master's research.
Objets italiques en Gaule - Barbau 2019Lizzie SCHOLTUS - Clémentine BARBAUPetit mobilier, mobilier italique, Gaule2019-03-26 14:502019-03-26 14:47Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-360450968114ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.443701916,44.10058369],[-3.443701916,50.54836994],[8.588047866,50.54836994],[8.588047866,44.10058369],[-3.443701916,44.10058369]]]}ObjektfrDuring the last two centuries BC, objects of the Italic type, i.e. those characterising the material culture of late republican Italy, gradually appeared in Gaul. The identification of these everyday objects and their typological and contextual analysis allow for a renewed approach to the phenomenon of Romanisation in Gaul. The aim of this study is to highlight the chronological, spatial and cultural modalities of the diffusion of this type of furniture. The confrontation of the results with the data from the ceramic and architectural studies makes it possible to paint a refined picture of the acculturation process. Taking into account the nature of the sites, as well as the diversity of the types of objects considered, makes it possible to underline the variety of behaviour of the local populations when faced with the reception of these exogenous furnishings. Whether in trade or by joining the Roman army, the local elites played a major role in the interactions with Italy, but also in the diffusion of these objects and the integration of new Italian models. Translated with
Sites du Néolithique au Premier Moyen âge autour de Seltz -Morel, SalomonCharlène MOREL - Ferréol SALOMONRhin, Géoarchéologie, Alsace, Ried, Paléochenaux2019-02-25 17:462019-02-25 17:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-65007996867ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.84566072,48.70272701],[7.84566072,48.86772379],[8.0828363,48.86772379],[8.0828363,48.70272701],[7.84566072,48.70272701]]]}FundstellefrMain sites and geoarchaeological results between Seltz and Drusenheim.
test mobilier CCE AlsaceLoup BERNARD - Agathe MULOTtest mobilier CCE Alsace2018-12-04 18:032018-12-04 17:59Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-125149243InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.486229564,48.620500178],[7.486229356,48.62049842],[7.486228635,48.620496723],[7.486227428,48.620495152],[7.486225782,48.620493767],[7.48622376,48.620492622],[7.486221439,48.62049176],[7.48621891,48.620491215],[7.486216269,48.620491007],[7.486213618,48.620491145],[7.486211058,48.620491623],[7.486208688,48.620492423],[7.486206599,48.620493515],[7.486204871,48.620494855],[7.486203571,48.620496394],[7.486202749,48.620498071],[7.486202436,48.620499822],[7.486202644,48.62050158],[7.486203365,48.620503277],[7.486204572,48.620504848],[7.486206218,48.620506233],[7.48620824,48.620507378],[7.486210561,48.62050824],[7.48621309,48.620508785],[7.486215731,48.620508993],[7.486218382,48.620508855],[7.486220942,48.620508377],[7.486223312,48.620507577],[7.486225401,48.620506485],[7.486227129,48.620505145],[7.486228429,48.620503606],[7.486229251,48.620501929],[7.486229564,48.620500178]]]}Fundstellefrtest mobilier CCE Alsace
Rituel dans l'habitat de l'âge du Fer entre Vosges et Fôret-NoireJean-Philippe DROUXRituel symbolique, habitat, âge du Fer, Vosges, Forêt-Noire2018-11-19 19:092018-11-19 18:25Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-2200449780392ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.323431954,48.112215086],[7.323431954,48.895909486],[7.985578582,48.895909486],[7.985578582,48.112215086],[7.323431954,48.112215086]]]}FundstellefrInventory of symbolic and ritual potential in the Iron Age habitat between the Vosges and the Black Forest, 2 volumes, Master's thesis under the direction of Bernard (L), Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Sites antiques du Massif calcaire de Syrie du NordJean-Philippe DROUX - Catherine DUVETTEMot clés : implantions rurales, habitat, églises, pressoirs à huile et à vin, bains, tombeaux, citernes, hellénistique, romain, byzantin, Massif calcaire, Syrie du Nord2018-09-13 19:402017-02-27 15:42Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-30014001349684ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[36.25915,35.36423],[36.25915,36.53648],[37.11703,36.53648],[37.11703,35.36423],[36.25915,35.36423]]]}FundstellefrThe “dead cities” of Northern Syria, as they were once called, constitute one of the most extraordinary archaeological complexes in the world. These are more than 650 sites from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods which are located in a vast region between the Turkish border in the north and the city of Apamea in the south, the valleys of Afrin and Orontes to the west and the plain of Aleppo to the east. They occupy a set of plateaus known as the Limestone Massif. This database lists the sites prospected, excavated and studied in this area since the end of the 19th century and links them to an updated bibliography. It constitutes the first matrix of a group of thematic, scientific and heritage databases, which will be gradually integrated into ArkeoGIS.
Mémoire des victimes du nazisme à Strasbourg-Extrait de "Stolpersteine"Loup BERNARDVictimes, nazisme, seconde guerre mondiale, plaques commemoratives2018-06-12 12:352018-06-11 19:52Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt4544InventarIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.733161,48.571591],[7.733161,48.591386],[7.772043,48.591386],[7.772043,48.571591],[7.733161,48.571591]]]}ObjektfrThe artist Gunter Demnig remembers the victims of National Socialism by installing commemorative brass plaques in the pavement in front of their last address of choice. There are now STOLPERSTEINE (lit. “stumbling stones or blocks”) in at least 1200 places in Germany, as well as in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine.
The extract proposed here concerns the STOLPERSTEINE recorded in Strasbourg.This first test can be completed by the implementation of other Stolpersteine, on a European scale. Chronology used: Gregorian calendar
Mobilier du Brotschberg (Alsace), campagne de prospection 2017Steeve GENTNERBrotschberg, Habitat, Mobilier, Prospection2018-03-07 22:452018-03-07 22:45Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-650016004544ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.323163,48.704695],[7.323163,48.708176],[7.32718,48.708176],[7.32718,48.704695],[7.323163,48.704695]]]}ObjektfrResults of surveys conducted in Haegen - Brotschberg - (67, Bas-Rhin) in June 2017.
This database is complementary to the operation report submitted to the SRA in 2017 called :
"S. Gentner, M. Walter, Les enceintes de hauteur du Brotschberg à Haegen et du Wuestenberg à Rheinhardsmunster (67), deux fortifications de contour du pas de Saverne, Prospection inventaire, Rapport 2017".The purpose of this database is also experimental, in order to test the potential of ArkéoGIS software at the site scale.
Boucles de ceinture romaines en Gaule de l'Est - ARTEFACTSLizzie SCHOLTUS - Michel FEUGÈREBoucles de ceinture, Gaule de l'Est, romain2018-02-07 23:222018-02-03 23:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-20500357356ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.39833,47.24878],[5.39833,49.98419],[8.41944,49.98419],[8.41944,47.24878],[5.39833,47.24878]]]}ObjektfrExtraction of roman belt from the database in the east of Gaul
Gräber und Siedlungen der Eisenzeit Süddeutschland - SHKRFranziska FAUPEL - Oliver NAKOINZEisenzeit, SHKR2017-11-09 02:192017-09-22 17:21Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-220058098499848ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.266871615,47.54380219],[6.266871615,50.69182884],[10.477624568,50.69182884],[10.477624568,47.54380219],[6.266871615,47.54380219]]]}FundstelledeEisenzeit SHKR, für ArkeoGIS modifiziert (Daten), einigen Koordinaten verändert, einige Fundstellen herausgenommen. Besser in der SHKR nachschauen.
Geoarchéologie du Kochersberg (Alsace) du Néolithique au XVe siècleCharlène MORELGéoarchéologie, Kochersberg, Loess, Longue durée2017-10-18 17:352017-10-12 16:02Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-650015001849465ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.40377365,48.51680275],[7.40377365,48.78697287],[7.84856149,48.78697287],[7.84856149,48.51680275],[7.40377365,48.51680275]]]}MikroregionfrThis database results from the compilation of Strasbourg’s Service Régional de l’Archéologie’s data. It’s part of a PhD research (at the University of Strasbourg) which aims to study human settlement on loess in the Kochersberg (Alsace, France) between the Neolithic (5000BC) and the 15th Century. All the sites haven’t been selected for the study. Those which couldn’t bring the necessary information have been removed. That includes: off site data, unlocated sites, sites with no datation or function, inconclusive surveys and some hoards.
Sites d'archéométallurgie du fer en Lorraine, France - DisserAlexandre DISSERArchéométallurgie, alliages ferreux, Lorraine2017-10-16 23:522017-10-16 23:09Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-80020161387503ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.96899127,47.981809338],[4.96899127,49.561919415],[7.180800214,49.561919415],[7.180800214,47.981809338],[4.96899127,47.981809338]]]}FundstellefrDatabase established within the frame of the research program led on archaeometallurgy of iron in Lorraine under the supervision of Marc Leroy (LMC IRAMAT-UMR 5060).
Base monnaies de GauleEneko HIRIARTBase monnaies de Gaule (en cours)2017-08-03 14:272017-08-03 04:28Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-320-262192321849ForschungIn ArbeitKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-4.298811245,42.351568465],[-4.298811245,50.969763898],[7.355255861,50.969763898],[7.355255861,42.351568465],[-4.298811245,42.351568465]]]}Objektfrcoinage
Sites perchés fortifiés du nord des Vosges-Walter 2016-AMERLoup BERNARD - Maxime WALTERSites perchés fortifiés, nord des vosges, Rhin supérieur2017-06-10 14:212017-06-10 14:16Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-6500149116044ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.735864,48.2219905],[6.735864,49.2673247],[8.0085371,49.2673247],[8.0085371,48.2219905],[6.735864,48.2219905]]]}FundstellefrHillforts of the north of the Vosges
Prospection à Marseilleveyre (céramique) - Bouffier et al., 2012Luca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIER - Delphine ISOARDI - Loup BERNARDProspection, Marseilleveyre, Céramique2017-06-06 17:082017-06-06 12:50Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-650017894945ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.352931287,43.2],[5.352931287,43.29695],[5.393609584,43.29695],[5.393609584,43.2],[5.352931287,43.2]]]}ObjektfrDatabase concerning prospections of S. Bouffier and D. Isoardi. In the case of survey data, all sites are to be requested in "furniture / ceramics".
Prospections sur la Cité de Riez et son territoire (France)-Baudoin 2008Luca BANCHETTI - Bruno BAUDOINProspection, Alpes de Haute-Provence, territoire de Riez, Reii2017-06-06 13:172017-06-06 13:13Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001789558557ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.801449332,43.565816299],[5.801449332,44.09279919],[6.469121134,44.09279919],[6.469121134,43.565816299],[5.801449332,43.565816299]]]}FundstellefrDatabase based on the thesis of B. Baudoin, 2008 : "The city of Riez and its territory : an ancient occupation at the foot of the Alps".
Prospections à l'Est de Marseille - PCR Bouffier et al.Luca BANCHETTI - loup BERNARD - Sophie BOUFFIERProspections, PCR, Marseille, Céramique, diachronique,2017-06-06 13:112017-06-06 12:57Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001789248175ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.377808429,43.230386778],[5.377808429,43.368155915],[5.553898253,43.368155915],[5.553898253,43.230386778],[5.377808429,43.230386778]]]}ObjektfrThis base corresponds to the prospections carried out under the direction of S. Bouffier, D. Isoardi and L. Bernard east of Marseilles and some of the next towns
Prospections dans le Verdon (France) de 2003 à 2006 - Mocci, GarciaLuca BANCHETTI - Florence MOCCIVerdon, prospections, habitat2017-06-06 12:472017-06-06 12:37Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-650017898685ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.967548506,43.70301],[5.967548506,43.756642111],[6.06767,43.756642111],[6.06767,43.70301],[5.967548506,43.70301]]]}FundstellefrBased on prospecting conducted by D. Garcia and F. Mocci. In the process of import, all the sites are filled in as "habitats", the detail of the inventory is in field "comments".
Prospections dans le Verdon (France) en 1998 - MocciLuca BANCHETTI - Florence MOCCIVerdon, Prospection, habitat2017-06-06 12:322017-06-06 12:32Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-650017893935ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.991284459,43.471648334],[5.991284459,43.763659114],[6.051110944,43.763659114],[6.051110944,43.471648334],[5.991284459,43.471648334]]]}FundstellefrBase corresponding to the surveys of 1997. The detail of the sites is in remark, in the state most of the sites appear as "habitat".
Intermediate Report of Operation of Multi-annual Thematic Prospection (1996-98): communes of Germany-en-Provence, Esparron-de-Verdon and Montagnac (Garcia - Mocci). CNRS-SRA PACA, 1998.
Prospections dans les Ecrins (France) de 2000 à 2013 - Mocci, WalshLuca BANCHETTI - Florence MOCCI - Kevin WALSHProspection, Néolithique, Ecrins, Moyenne et haute montagne2017-05-29 17:142017-05-29 17:14Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65001789118117ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.362009159,44.701834371],[6.362009159,44.93181],[6.53333,44.93181],[6.53333,44.701834371],[6.362009159,44.701834371]]]}FundstellefrThis base is the result of prospecting and excavation in the middle and high mountains (1800-2700 m) under the direction of F. Mocci (CCJ, UMR 7299) and K. Walsh (University of York) between 2000 and 2013.
Some sites prospected between 1998 and 2000 and have not yet been incorporated into the database. The specific characterizations of the sites are to be found in the comments field.
Trésors monétaires du second âge du Fer (SO Gaule et NE Ibérie)-HiriartEneko HIRIARTTrésors, Monnaies, âge de Fer, Dépôts2017-04-03 22:252017-04-03 22:16Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-260-26164163ForschungBeendetKontinent{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.041812,39.560011],[-3.041812,47.033333],[3.90011,47.033333],[3.90011,39.560011],[-3.041812,39.560011]]]}FundstellefrCoin hoards from the S-W Gaul ant N-E Iberian peninsula (Iron Age)
Fibules de Nauheim en Gaule de l'Est-Thèse StrieweLizzie SCHOLTUSFibule, Nauheim, Gaule de l'Est, parure, La Tène finale, âge du Fer2017-03-22 19:362017-03-22 19:12Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-15026436434BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.18623,46.76022],[5.18623,50.17996],[8.36833,50.17996],[8.36833,46.76022],[5.18623,46.76022]]]}ObjektfrThis is the inventory of Nauheim and similar fibulae in eastern Gaul, according to K. Striewe's thesis in 1996.
HYDRΩMED - Citernes puniques (Carthage, Tunisie)Iván FUMADO ORTEGA - Sophie BOUFFIERAménagements hydrauliques, citernes, antiquité, Carthage, punique2017-03-09 16:192017-03-09 16:19Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-5255007372InventarIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[10.329791215,36.859609875],[10.329790969,36.859608119],[10.329790302,36.859606435],[10.329789238,36.859604889],[10.32978782,36.859603539],[10.329786101,36.859602437],[10.329784148,36.859601626],[10.329782035,36.859601136],[10.329779844,36.859600988],[10.329777659,36.859601185],[10.329775564,36.859601722],[10.329773639,36.859602576],[10.329771959,36.859603716],[10.329770588,36.859605097],[10.329769579,36.859606667],[10.32976897,36.859608365],[10.329768785,36.859610125],[10.329769031,36.859611881],[10.329769698,36.859613565],[10.329770762,36.859615111],[10.32977218,36.859616461],[10.329773899,36.859617563],[10.329775852,36.859618374],[10.329777965,36.859618864],[10.329780156,36.859619012],[10.329782341,36.859618815],[10.329784436,36.859618278],[10.329786361,36.859617424],[10.329788041,36.859616284],[10.329789412,36.859614903],[10.329790421,36.859613333],[10.32979103,36.859611635],[10.329791215,36.859609875]]]}FundstellefrInventory of the published Punic cisterns from Carthage (Tunisia)
Cruches gallo-romaines en Alsace - MISHALizzie SCHOLTUS - Cécile PLOUIN FORTUNÉ - Line PASTORCruches, gallo-romain, Alsace, céramique2017-02-11 23:152017-02-11 23:09Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-27400213212InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.75979,47.65852],[6.75979,49.11517],[7.74553,49.11517],[7.74553,47.65852],[6.75979,47.65852]]]}ObjektfrReference of the Gallo-Roman jugs in the jug database hosted on the MISHA website
Extrait de l'inventaire archéologique PATRIARCHE, Haut-Rhin (68)Jean-Philippe DROUX - Georges TRIANTAFILLIDISBase Patriarche Haut-Rhin (68), inventaire archéologique2017-02-10 16:282016-12-16 16:13Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-2900000020161220610778InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.88319354,47.42232797],[6.88319354,48.29328284],[7.60518932,48.29328284],[7.60518932,47.42232797],[6.88319354,47.42232797]]]}FundstellefrFormer name: Patriarch_68. Extract from the national archaeological inventory (Patriarche database) for the department of Haut-Rhin, France. Export of 2016. Chronology used: Continental Europe from the 6th millennium BCE to the 3rd millennium CE.
Prospection sur le site du Schieferberg (Alsace)-Gentner 2016Steeve GENTNERSchieferberg, Habitat, Mobilier, Prospection2017-01-18 11:302017-01-18 11:25Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-80017897271ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.289033,48.57788879],[7.289033,48.588923],[7.292973,48.588923],[7.292973,48.57788879],[7.289033,48.57788879]]]}ObjektfrErgebnisse aus den Feldbegehungen am Schieferberg bei Oberhaslach (67, Bas-Rhin, FR) die von S. Gentner und M. Walter im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppe UMR 7044 (Strassburg) geleitet wurden. Diese Datenbank ergänzt den Surveybericht von 2016 (S. Gentner, M. Walter, L'éperon barré du Schieferberg à Oberhaslach (67), Prospection inventaire et microtopographie, Rapport 2016).
Ziel dieser Datenbank ist auch experimental, um das Potenzial vom Software ArkéoGIS auf der Skala einer Siedlung zu testen.
Tombes de l'élite du Hallstatt ancien en France-CormierLaurie CORMIERÉlite, épées, vaisselle métallique, harnachement, tumulus, Hallstatt, premier âge du Fer2017-01-17 15:082016-12-03 10:15Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-800-620679676ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0.41417,43.30599],[0.41417,50.05233],[7.69422,50.05233],[7.69422,43.30599],[0.41417,43.30599]]]}FundstellefrDatabase issued from a synthesis of French elite burials, presented during the International Workshop of Leiden and Hamburg Universities "Connected Elites and Regions in the Early Hallstatt Period" in Leiden (19-20 novembre 2015). Selection criteria: weaponry, metallic vessel, harnesses, wagon pieces and/or gold objects. Two information levels: site (grave) and objects.
Mobilier de l'âge du Bronze et du Fer entre Bourgogne et Mayence-CormierLaurie CORMIERMobilier métallique, typologie, Bronze final IIIb, Hallstatt, premier âge du Fer2017-01-17 14:592016-12-03 12:50Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1350-4311405414053ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[4.31821,45.64863],[4.31821,50.73982],[9.42472,50.73982],[9.42472,45.64863],[4.31821,45.64863]]]}ObjektfrThis database is issued from a PhD defended in 2013 at the Université de Bourgogne, concerning cultural identities and exchanges in an area covering north-eastern France, western Switzerland, south-western Germany and Luxemburg. It contains an exhaustive collection of metal objects from Ha B2/B3 (BFIIIb) to Ha D3 (Ha final), without any distinction of archaeological context. The records are linked to the catalogue, which is now published in a monography at the Éditions Universitaires de Dijon.
Extrait de l'inventaire archéologique PATRIARCHE, Bas-Rhin (67)Jean-Philippe DROUX - Georges TRIANTAFILLIDISPatriarche Bas-Rhin (67), inventaire archéologique2016-12-16 15:292016-12-16 15:29Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-2900000020161283910042InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.97750587,48.12544826],[6.97750587,49.06333659],[8.18529563,49.06333659],[8.18529563,48.12544826],[6.97750587,48.12544826]]]}FundstellefrFormer name: Patriarch_67. Extract from the national archaeological inventory (Patriarche database) for the Bas-Rhin department, France. Export of 2016.
Vestiges funéraires du Bronze final (France-Suisse-Allemagne)-Roscio 2011Laurie CORMIER - Mafalda ROSCIOâge du bronze, funéraire, bronze final, typologie, nécropole2016-11-30 22:532016-11-30 22:45Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-1350-105157201558ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.99331,46.51257],[2.99331,49.91309],[10.18201,49.91309],[10.18201,46.51257],[2.99331,46.51257]]]}FundstellefrDatabase issued from a PhD on the beginning of the Early Iron Age between the Parisian basin and Swabian Jura. The data is sorted by sites and graves, with a more precise description in the comments.
Tumulus de la région de Haguenau (Alsace) - Wassong 2012Rémy WASSONGTumulus Haguenau Brumath2016-11-29 18:252016-11-29 17:45Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-2200449765764ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.677859626,48.694740281],[7.677859626,48.902916669],[8.178479884,48.902916669],[8.178479884,48.694740281],[7.677859626,48.694740281]]]}ObjektfrDiese Datenbank kommt aus der Master-Thesis "Organisation spatiale des nécropoles tumulaires de la forêt de Haguenau" (Räumliche Organisation der Grabhügel Gruppen des Haguenauer Forstes), die in Strassburg in Juni 2012 unterstützt wurde. Sie listet alle erhaltene Grabhügel im Waldkreis Haguenau, Betschdorf, Hatten, Niederroedern, Seltz und Brumath und im Kreis Rastatt. Die Aufnahmen in die Nekropole von Kurzgelaend, Schirrheinerweg und Brumath wurden durch das Pôle Archéologique Interdépartemental Rhénan ausgeführt (F. Abert, 2009 und F. Abert, P. Rieth, 2010). Die Zahlen in der "SITE_ID_SOURCE" Spalte entsprechen zu den Prospektion Zahl in dem Katalog der Master-Thesis (Wassong, 2012). Die Herausragende Fundstellen wurden anhand der erhaltene Dichte des Hügels (über 900m3) oder nach besonderem fundmaterial (Importe aus dem Mittelmeerraum) definiert.
Dépôts protohistoriques vallée du Rhin supérieur-Schmidt Merkl 2012Lizzie SCHOLTUS - Christiane SCHMID-MERKLVallée du Rhin, dépôts2016-11-06 00:292016-11-06 00:18Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-650017891917948ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.503664,47.561152],[7.503664,50.038399],[8.522589,50.038399],[8.522589,47.561152],[7.503664,47.561152]]]}FundstellefrInventory of protohistoric deposits in the Rhine Valley.
Sites protohistoriques en LanguedocLoup BERNARD - Fabienne OLMER - Réjane ROUREHabitat, Languedoc, âge du Fer, Protohistoire, amphore D12016-10-25 21:192016-10-25 21:01Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-300-1200199ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.73037979,43.045728913],[2.73037979,44.15645528],[4.680819419,44.15645528],[4.680819419,43.045728913],[2.73037979,43.045728913]]]}FundstellefrDataset from F. Olmer, R. Roure, H. Bohbot, 2012
Sites de l'âge du Fer dans le Bade-Wurtemberg-Bernard 2003Loup BERNARDsites perchés, âge du fer, Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne2016-10-07 15:452016-07-04 19:00Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-800-26122110ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.516667,47.066666],[7.516667,49.55],[10.466666,49.55],[10.466666,47.066666],[7.516667,47.066666]]]}FundstelledeHoehensiedlungen BdW, Diss. Loup BERNARD, stand der Daten 2003
HYDRΩMED - Aménagements hydrauliques antiques de SicileLuca BANCHETTI - Sophie BOUFFIERHYDRΩMED, Sicile, aménagement hydraulique, Antiquité, puits, citerne, aqueduc2016-09-30 10:072016-09-24 14:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-80014306304InventarBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[12.79194,36.92574],[12.79194,37.98225],[15.27628,37.98225],[15.27628,36.92574],[12.79194,36.92574]]]}FundstellefrData base of hydraulics layouts in Sicilia for project HYDRΩMED directed by Sophie Bouffier
Murgers/Steinrudel d'Alsace-SchwartzLoup BERNARD - Dominique Schwartzmurgers, epiérrements, paysage2016-09-23 19:042016-09-23 18:51Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0unbestimmtunbestimmt3837ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.1025,47.495],[7.1025,48.86139],[7.65194,48.86139],[7.65194,47.495],[7.1025,47.495]]]}EinzugsgebietfrD. Schwartz list of "murgers/Steinrudel" in Alsace. Each point is an ensemble of features
Extrait de l'inventaire des objets du musée de St-Dié des VosgesLoup BERNARD - Lizzie SCHOLTUSInventaire, Musée, St Dié des Vosges, instrumentum, petits objets2016-09-23 18:312016-07-04 17:33Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-65007997877ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.5827,48.20709],[6.5827,48.38663],[7.04833,48.38663],[7.04833,48.20709],[6.5827,48.20709]]]}ObjektfrAuszug der Datenbank des Museums in Saint-Dié
Habitats ruraux LTC2/Augustéen dans la vallée du Rhin supérieurCharlène MOREL - Muriel ROTH-ZEHNERHabitats, Alsace, La Tène, Age du Fer, Période augustéenne2016-09-22 22:412016-09-22 22:41Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-200367047ForschungBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.3,47.666667],[7.3,48.9],[8.1,48.9],[8.1,47.666667],[7.3,47.666667]]]}FundstellefrBase de données de Muriel Roth-Zehner au sujet des habitats en plaine du Rhin de La Tène C2 à la période augustéenne.
Bracelets en verre de La Tène dans le Rhin supérieur-Wagner 2006Loup BERNARD - Heiko WAGNERverre, La Tène, bracelet, Schmuck, Glas, Baden-Württemberg2016-09-22 17:182016-09-13 00:50Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-800449220145BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.848362,47.378187],[5.848362,50.5235337],[10.304581,50.5235337],[10.304581,47.378187],[5.848362,47.378187]]]}FundstellefrBase issue de l'ouvrage de Heiko Wagner : Glasschmuck der Mittel- und Spätlatènezeit am Oberrhein und den angrenzenden Gebieten (= Ausgrabungen und Forschungen. Bd. 1). Greiner, Remshalden 2006, ISBN 3-935383-02-9 (Zugleich: Freiburg (Breisgau), Universität, Dissertation, 1998).
Funde und Fundstatten im Landkreis RastattLoup BERNARDProspection diachronie Rastatt2016-08-20 16:562016-07-04 21:01Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale / Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0-65002016383254BuchBeendetLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[8.005,48.671112],[8.005,48.95139],[8.385556,48.95139],[8.385556,48.671112],[8.005,48.671112]]]}FundstellefrBearbeitung des Buches
G. Hoffmann, Spuren Früher Zeiten, Funde und Fundstatten im Landkreis Rastatt, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2007.
Sites de l'âge du Fer du nord de la pénninsule ibérique - ValdesEneko HIRIARTHabitat, âge du Fer, péninsule ibérique, pays Basque, sites de hauteur2016-07-06 11:142016-07-06 10:56Creative Commons / Paternité / Pas d'utilisation commerciale : CC-BY-NC 4.0-180014925543ForschungIn ArbeitLand{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.101408428,42.562552176],[-3.101408428,43.321315836],[-1.862420295,43.321315836],[-1.862420295,42.562552176],[-3.101408428,42.562552176]]]}FundstelleesIron Age height sites in the Spanish Basque Country